
From time to time we record gaming videos. This is where those go.

Bald Move Space Program – Ep 1 – Liftoff to Nowhere

The space race is on and we’re determined to be the first astronauts to launch themselves as an ICBM. Sound easy? You might be surprised. Find out if Jim and A.Ron have the right stuff in this new video series.

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Battles of Westeros – Battle of Blackwater

Jim and A.Ron square off in Battles of Westeros and the first part of the Battle of Blackwater.

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Game of Thrones – A Telltale Games Series – Episode 6

How will it all end? Will House Forrester be able to defeat the Whitehill menace? Can the North Grove remain a secret? How many more poorly-written songs will they have to endure? Any more potato fucking? All will be revealed in the finale episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones.

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Life is Strange – Episode 4 (Part 2) – Super Pee

Things just keep getting creepier in this game. This time there’s a huge betrayal by a beloved character, a gathering of the snottiest kids in town, and of course a colossal, time-wasting fuckup by Jim & A.Ron. Join us for the exciting conclusion of episode 4!

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Life is Strange – Episode 4 (Part 1) – Big Willis Style

What will Jim and A.Ron do now that they’ve resurrected Chloe’s father, changed her hair color and put her in a wheelchair? Spoiler alert, they kill her, that’s what. There are also a couple other, slightly less disturbing things that happen as well.

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Life is Strange – Episode 3 – I Was Eating Those BEANS!

What do you do when life hands you a plate of chocolate chip pancakes? You claim that they’re actually beans as you watch a high school girl smash them to the ground… for the second time.

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Life is Strange – Episode 2 – Hello Now Do Dog

Jim and A.Ron were so enamored with our commissioned Let’s Play of the Square Enix game, “Life is Strange”, that we’ve decided to do the whole game.  This is Episode 2. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a Let’s Play, it’s essentially watching one or more people play a video game, which is a…

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Life is Strange – Commissioned Let’s Play

Special thanks to Steve Anderson who saw an obvious loop hole to our “approximately 2ish hours of content” rule and pulled the trigger on a Let’s Play of the Square Enix game, “Life is Strange”.  If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a Let’s Play, it’s essentially watching one or more people play a video…

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Game of Thrones – A Telltale Games Series – Episode 1

We’re playing through Telltale’s Game of Thrones series. All four episode that have been released. This is part 1. I’m sure we’ll play the bad guy.?

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