
Jason from Podcastica and Jim and A.Ron from Bald Move merge our psyches together to form one semi-coherent podcast on FX’s new schizophrenic superhero, Legion.

308 – Chapter 27

Legion is many things: trippy, creative, romantic, dark, fresh, exciting, beautifully crafted, and fun, and we’re thrilled to dive deep in and get crazy with it! Join Jason and Rima of Podcastica and Jim and A.Ron of Bald Move on this journey into madness…. Contact: legion@podcastica.com

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307 – Chapter 26

Legion is many things: trippy, creative, romantic, dark, fresh, exciting, beautifully crafted, and fun, and we’re thrilled to dive deep in and get crazy with it! Join Jason and Rima of Podcastica and Jim and A.Ron of Bald Move on this journey into madness…. Contact: legion@podcastica.com

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306 – Chapter 25

Legion is many things: trippy, creative, romantic, dark, fresh, exciting, beautifully crafted, and fun, and we’re thrilled to dive deep in and get crazy with it! Join Jason and Rima of Podcastica and Jim and A.Ron of Bald Move on this journey into madness…. Contact: legion@podcastica.com

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305 – Chapter 24

Legion is many things: trippy, creative, romantic, dark, fresh, exciting, beautifully crafted, and fun, and we’re thrilled to dive deep in and get crazy with it! Join Jason and Rima of Podcastica and Jim and A.Ron of Bald Move on this journey into madness…. Contact: legion@podcastica.com

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304 – Chapter 23

Dark, blurred-out, glowy-eyed, long-nosed, periphery-dwelling, time-eating, toothy, grinning demons infiltrate Legion this week for possibly the creepiest and most horrific episode yet. Innovative, emotional, tragic, triumphant, and trippy as ever.

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303 – Chapter 22

Legion gave us something completely new this week (just like I was hoping it would), with the introduction of the long awaited Professor X and his backstory. It was new and different but also reflective of the series’ past, with some chilling moments, sweetness, romance, and terror. It filled in some blanks, and raised a few questions. Join A.Ron, Rima, and Jason as we explore the implications!

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302 – Chapter 21

Excited to welcome A.Ron Hubbard of Bald Move back into the fold this week, officially making this a joint Bald Move / Podcastica production. Grab your ceramic cartoon character vaporizer and let’s celebrate! P.S. This episode has us examining the nature of healthy and unhealthy relationships in a way that made me (Jason) feel like I’m being tricked into therapy. Slightly uncomfortable, yet cathartic.

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301 – Chapter 20

Excited to welcome A.Ron Hubbard of Bald Move back into the fold this week, officially making this a joint Bald Move / Podcastica production. Grab your ceramic cartoon character vaporizer and let’s celebrate!

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108 – Chapter 8

Jason and A.Ron wrap up a satisfying first season of FX’s Legion with a full accounting of the finale episode, “Chapter 8”. Bad guys are humanized, suave swingers hit the road, and David seems to find peace of mind and a bit of happiness… but… well, this is Legion and there is that post-credits sequence. All this plus feedback and emerging news on season two! Thanks for listening, we’ll see you next year!

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107 – Chapter 7

FX’s Legion delivers a fantastic penultimate episode with “Chapter 7”. Humor, action, character development, jaw dropping visuals, Legion managed to deliver the goods while building suspense as we head into the final episode of the first season. Plus, we got a ton more information about the identity of David’s parasite, David’s father, and Melanie’s husband Oliver. More Jemaine Clement is never a bad thing!

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