
PowerPlay’s new home

Unfortunately, PowerPlay has departed with Bald Move.  We will be posting updates on our move at our temporary home http://powerplaytemphome.blogspot.com/ Peter Street and I are working on moving our content to a new host, and we will rename PowerPlay once we find a new home.  We thank our fans for the patients and all your…

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Episode 6 – “Don” Solo

This weeks episode of PowerPlay sees our cast down a Host in the form of Peter Street! However, fear not for this only gives our “Don” Stafa time to shine the brighter! Starting with a brief What “We’ve” Been Playing segment Stafa continues by tracking down and dusting off  his Top 7: Favorite Childhood Games…

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Episode 5 – Hardcore!

In this edition of PowerPlay we discuss why modern games don’t always excite and talk about what excited our hosts the most through the years…then get ready for a brawl of hardcore proportions when the Don challenges Peters embrace of  labels such as “GAMER” and “HARDCORE”, we explore what if any meaning those terms have both to “gamers”…

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Episode 4 – Fully Loaded!

This weeks episode was a long time in coming, but it’s packed full of great stuff and hopefully you’ll find it worth the long wait! This week we start off with what we’ve been playing and follow it up with a new topic, a short drive down Peter Street. Where we discuss the personal gaming history…

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Episode 2 Part 2

In this weeks conclusion to Episode 2 of PowerPlay we discuss the new official PowerPlay review system and what you can expect from current and upcoming video game reviews from the Don and Peter! We then get going into the main topic of this weeks episode a heated discussion about the great and the awful…

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E3 Bonus Cast!

In honor of our fans and last weeks E3 we’re coming at you this week with a very special BONUS cast! This week we’ll cover the BIG 3 Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft; what we loved and what we hated about them this E3! We’ll also discover the secret history of Laura Croft and Peter Street,…

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Episode 2 Part 1

That’s right, we’re back! This week’s show is so BIG that we just couldn’t pack it all into one single episode! In part 1 of this week’s episode 2 of PowerPlay we’ll discuss first impressions of the brand NEW Duke Nukem Forever Demo, give a quick opinion on this week’s E3, then follow it by discussing what we’ve…

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Resurrection – Episode 1

Do my eyes deceive me?  Nah.. it can’t be!  Does that say POWER PLAY?!  That’s right kids your favorite gaming show of all time is BACK!  It’s been a long time coming but your patience will be rewarded with this first official re-launch episode of PowerPlay! In this weeks episode we introduce the long time…

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Me and Billy Dee – Episode 11

If you’re a gamer who listens to podcasts, you’re probably a geek. In episode eleven of PowerPlay, Jim and Peter discuss the geekiest of games, Star Wars games. Also, they answer listener questions and talk about what they’ve been playing.

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Feel the Burnout – Episode 10

In episode ten of PowerPlay, Peter and Jim discuss the dreaded gaming burnout, answer the listeners questions and talk about what they’ve been playing.

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