The Because Show

Weekly smack talk by three women from LA; books, sex and mascara, not in that order.

Ep 162 Trigger Warning

Do you have any issues with data disasters, dentists, or Walter Matthau? If so, consider yourself warned.  Amy and Susan go deep into their personal traumas this week, including the worst day ever, mean hygenists, and movies from your childhood that you mistakenly thought would be fun to share with your kids. Grab your Xanax,…

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Ep 161 Special Guest Star: Amy’s Mom!

This week The Because Show is proud to host a very special guest star: Amy’s mom. But you can call her Evie. Susan, Evie and Amy talk about makeup, loss, makeup, feminism, relationships, communication, and more makeup. Be sure to tune in for this one —  you might learn something about life (or eyeliner)!

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Ep 160 Hangry Like the Wolf

This week the TBS ladies get real. Very real. Maybe realer than you want them to? While Susan has sexy fun at a party, Amy gets mad at a bag. Amy reviews Stitch Fix while Susan exposes her crazy cat lady side. They talk about low pay and big headaches. Then they finally get to…

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Ep 159 Name That Tune!

This week Amy and Susan tackle all kinds of big questions. Are girls just as big of sexist jerks as guys are? Should Amy find a new gynecologist? What flavor is ‘red,’ anyway? What *is* that 90s song you can’t remember? And why are you having a real fight with your boyfriend about pretend teenage…

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Ep 158 New Habits and Old Batteries

There’s a ton to talk about this week and Susan and Amy cover (almost) all of it! So lace up your skates, make sure you have back up power, and party with The Because Show all night long (or until 10:30, whichever comes first).

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Ep 157 Fun With Lizard Breath and Star Pants

Tune in this week when Amy and Susan (or whatever you want to call them) discuss jeans, eulogies, and workalurkers. Plus, Susan gets a special card that may change her life! Don’t forget to join the fun on our Facebook page!

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Ep 156 The End of the Tour – Movie and Metaphor

This week Susan and Amy discuss a great movie Amy saw: The End of the Tour. They also talk about something sadder — the end of the tour through life for Amy’s dad, who passed away last week. Your intrepid TBS hosts delve into life and death and what really matters. But we all know…

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Ep 155 You Take the Good, You Take the Bad, You Take Them Both and There You Have… The Because Show

This week we talk about fun stuff, like sweaty sex and parking lots, but not sweaty sex IN parking lots because ew. Then Amy brings it down and talks about the latest with her dad. But that’s TBS, keepin’ it real even when reality is a bummer. Let’s all get through this one together. Sound…

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Ep 154 Me and You (and Kent) in the Summertime…

It’s officially summer and you’ve got the podcast to prove it! Amy and Susan discuss their vacations and how Susan didn’t have sex in the pay showers (this year) and Amy narrowly avoided being part of a Kent sandwich. Your intrepid hosts also share their most disgusting bug stories and have a heated debate about…

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Ep 153 Cookies or Lube

Ever wonder what to do with that extra coconut oil you’ve got sitting around? Amy and Susan will tell you! They’ve got lots of other great tips this week, including why lions should get their eyebrows threaded, how to cure “helium hand,” dating advice for Alice, Jan and Marcia, and ways to manage stray boners….

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