The Because Show

Weekly smack talk by three women from LA; books, sex and mascara, not in that order.

Ep 122 – Period Piece

The period piece! We finally get all up in the bisniss of menstruation with horror stories, urban legends, personal anecdotes and more! We are doing our best on this episode to gross everybody out. In an honest, authentic way, of course.    We beseech listeners to keep sending the emails and keep calling the voicemail-…

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Ep 121 – The Photo Shoot

OMG, the photoshoot! Yes, we are supermodels now. Here all about out photo shoot in a dungeon in Culver City. And thoughts on body image, modesty, lingerie and more! We have a lot to talk about, that is for sure. Thank you to all those sweet listeners who called in to wish a happy 200th…

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Ep 120 – Long Fun Road

200!!?? We’re happy you could join us on our 200th episode! Even though this is labeled as 120. We count the shows in our Archive Feed too! This week we celebrate ourselves, as we often do. Listen to us try and answer a complex listener question. Learn for Meg Abbott’s upcoming book ‘The Fever’ (based…

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Ep 119 – New Balance Authors Collection

Say what you want about The Because Show, but there is no denying the hold we have over our loyal lovely listeners! And this week is no different, we bring the highs and lows, the personal triumphs and foibles, the shallow generalizations and in-depths examinations of the culture at large. Including photo shoot talk! How…

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Ep 118 – Chewy Choc MegaFudge

Hey, guys! We’re happy you could join us on another episode! This week we cover A review of ‘The Circle’ by Dave Eggers, Amy says ‘no thanks’. And Stephen King’s ‘Mr.Mercedes’. We take an in-depth look at Chips Ahoy flankers for our most recent round of ‘Fact Or Fiction’. Who knew there were so many…

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Ep 117 – Love You

Hey Listeners, we love you!  This week, we finally answer the question: boudoir or dungeon? And, there’s Stephen King News, Amy’s Neighborhood Gossip and more…. Did you know about the A.P.C. blue jean Denim program? Listen to this episode and you will know all about it. And, peeps,  get ready for our big fat 200th episode, it’s coming up…

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Ep 116 – All The Pretty Girls

Sometimes a podcast may be just a podcast. But this is not one of those times! This is revelatory personal connection in audio form. We talk dreams, dating and Doritos. Mystery Doritos, people! And then ain’t all – we got voicemails, music, tidbits, recommendations and more!   We exhort listeners to keep sending the emails and keep calling…

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Ep 115 – Tsk Tsk Uh Uh

Oooh so much to talk about this week! Really. Amy, Susan and Jerilyn are soaking in too much information and take it upon themselves to discuss upcoming photo shoots, happiness studies and slut-shaming. The intro song: Chrissie Hynde ‘Dark Sunglasses’. The Kegel song: Kate Bush ‘Cloudbursting’.  We beseech listeners to keep sending the emails and keep calling the voicemail- we love…

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Ep 114 – Islands In The Stream

Susan dances late into the night and lives to tell! Sandra Tsing Loh releases a new book ‘Madwoman In The Volvo: My Year Of Raging Hormones’- check it out! Jerilyn volunteers for a her own personal 30-Day Challenge! So much to talk about it. And, thank goodness, a long overdue salute to Ms. Dolly Parton! Islands in the stream,…

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Ep 113 – Candidly Candid

Hi Guys! All three of your flavorite podcasters are back, with plenty of things to say.  We talk about  the wonut, the pake and the soon – as well as other new foodie inventions. What the heck is a chork? You will find out. Of course, we also update all around on everybody’s life.  And, this week we have a book recommendation…

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