Following The Leftovers

The officially unofficial podcast for HBO’s The Leftovers.

208 – International Assassin

Jim and A.Ron try not to drink the water while recapping the dreamy/supernatural events of The Leftovers episode 208, “International Assassin”, because we do not want to forget a thing… We discuss our core beliefs of this episode, and where we fall on the “is it real?” or “is it a dream?” spectrum, and the answers may surprise you. We then discuss birds, Windex, Neosporin, the many faces of Patti, inexpensive knock off bourbons, and some shocking real life Jeopardy coincidences. All this, tons of feedback, and a burning need to see next week’s episode, like, yesterday, and it’s all coming at you. See you next week!

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207 – A Most Powerful Adversary

Another Sunday, another mind blowing episode of television, as The Leftovers introduces “A Most Powerful Adversary”. We talk about the journey Kevin embarks upon this episode, how we feel about Nora’s abandonment and Jill’s return to last season’s form, Inferno connections, and much more. All this and a ton of feedback… the wait for Sunday is going to be painful

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206 – Lens

A.Ron and Jim have another insanely great experience in the insane world of “The Leftovers”, this one revolving around episode 206, “Lens”. We discuss the intense stare down between Nora and Erica, rocks thrown in glass houses, the mysteries that were revealed even as new ones are raised, subtle hints about the fate of the girls as revealed by the SDS’s questionnaire, a bunch of religious theories, Kevin’s confession, and much more, plus, tons of really great takes and feedback from our fellow fans. Also, we— wait, is that an eyelash on your cheek?

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205 – “No Room at the Inn”

Jim and A.Ron are once again blown away by an episode of The Leftovers, “No Room at the Inn”. Such a contradiction contained in one man, Matt Jamison; the strength, power, self-sacrifice and courage of his convictions, who lovingly and painstakingly cares for his comatose wife, who also is capable of lashing out at complete strangers and… raping his comatose wife?! A lot of dark possibilities in this story line that is nevertheless touching and even heartbreaking at turns.

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204 – Orange Sticker

Jim and A.Ron enjoy the tiny breather of an episode that is “Orange Sticker”. You can’t expect a show to go full throttle crazy times all season long, so we get to see The Leftovers get their characters setup for the inevitable next stomach punch.  We discuss Nora’s denial, if Kevin really wants to die, if Jill is sleep walking, a ton of biblical references surrounding Babylon, and we top things off with a generous helping of feedback. See you next week!

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203 – Off Ramp

Who was ready for a solid hour of Laurie Garvey and her dopey son Tommy before around 9:12pm Sunday night? We certainly weren’t. But wouldn’t you know, The Leftovers found a way to make these two hard to love characters who we didn’t feel particularly invested in almost instantly compelling. We discuss the insight the episode has into ex-cult relationships, Meg’s new found power in the Guilty Remnant, and discuss the Tommy/Lil’ Wayne situation. Is he for real? If he’s not, does he think he is? Will it matter? All this plus we get a truly shocking and revolting reveal into the dark heart of humanity straight from a fellow listener in the feedback section. Can’t wait for next week! See you then…

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202 – A Matter of Geography

In this podcast, covering HBO’s “The Leftovers” episode 202, “A Matter of Geography”, we get to see what the Garveys were up to while the Murpheys were burning houses down, praying with old people, and running naked through the woods… Discussion points include; is Kevin crazy, why is Kevin Sr. “moving” to Australia, will Nora find safety in Jardin, can Holy Wayne’s baby take the poison out of pie, and is Miracle really Auschwitz? All this plus your thoughts and feedback!

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201 – Axis Mundi

We’ve got our bags backed and we’ve boarded the green park service buses en route to Jarden, Texas, to take in the sights of the season two premiere of “The Leftoves”, “Axis Mundi”. Pre-historic births, John C. Riley camping on a column, the slaughter of goats, bird resurrection, firemen burning down houses, shocking “Perfect Stranger” and “Family Matters” tie ins… this episode met and exceeded our weirdness expectations and left us wanting more. And it wouldn’t be a “The Leftovers” podcast with out some bark at the moon crazy theories and speculation, some from us, some from you the fellow fan. Please, enjoy!

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201 – Axis Mundi – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 3:30 pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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Following The Leftovers – Season 2 Preview

Jim and A.Ron look forward to checking in on the Garvey’s and meeting the Murphy’s in season two of The Leftovers, returning to your television this Sunday on HBO at 9pm. We’re pumped up due to Alan Sepinwall’s recent review and interview of show runner Damon Lindelof, so there is a ton to talk about.  The mysteries of Jarden, Texas, the differing points of view featured this season, and what the heck is going on down in Australia?  We don’t have a lot of answers, and Lindelof says he doesn’t either, but at least we’ll all have fun watching.  Er, I mean, at least we’ll all sob our selves to sleep after watching.  

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