Watching Dead – A Walking Dead Podcast

The officially unofficial podcast for AMC’s The Walking Dead. Jim, A.Ron, and occasional guest appearances by Sheriff Rick Grimes.

610 – The Next World – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see…  Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else. [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d see a video embedded in this…

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610 – The Next World – LIVE WATCH

Watch the episode with us while we crack jokes and make fun of all the local commercials. [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d see a video embedded in this page.  Check out our Club Bald Move page to find out how you can gain access…

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609 – No Way Out

Last night’s The Walking Dead had a lot of moments of genuine tension and real stakes, but it also had a lot of continuity errors and puzzling directorial and editing choices. Which is too bad because it’s central gasp inducing moment was a real bomb. We discuss some potential future story angles featuring Michonne’s guilt and some fresh juice in the Morgan/Carol arc what with Denise’s new found appreciation for the malleable nature of Wolves and question how Carl will fit in to Rick’s New World Order, and how the mysterious Kneegan could possibly threaten it all. All this, some great feedback, and a thoughtful spoiler section, coming at you!

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609 – No Way Out – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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609 – No Way Out – LIVE WATCH

Watch the episode with us while we crack jokes and make fun of all the local commercials.

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Mid-Season 6 Preview

We’re back to discuss the new seasons and some changes to our coverage going forward. The Instant Cast is out, in favor of an accelerated Monday full podcast. But that’s not all, as we discuss reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the new season, as well as reasons to fear. And we get fired up over some recent revelations about Frank Darabont’s departure from TWD way back in season two. It explains a lot of what’s had us scratching our heads over the past few years. All this, plus some casting news and plot detail discussions in our clearly marked Spoiler Section, and feedback from our readers. See you all back Sunday for the premiere!

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Mid-Season 6 Wrap Up

From the promising start, The Walking Dead tripped and fell it’s way towards a disappointing first half of season six. WTF is the problem? Can they recover? Should we care any more? All these questions and more are pondered by Jim and A.Ron with our fellow fans. Regardless of where we’re at now, we WILL be back for the back half of season six, rain or shine, and hopefully you’ll be there with us.

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608 – Start to Finish

The Walking Dead schleps it’s way to a mid-season finale, “Start to Finish”, and we’re right beside it, covered in guts, shambling right along. Unfortunately the mid-season finale was kind of blah. It wasn’t especially good, and it wasn’t especially bad, but in the context of wrapping things up for a long hiatus, that means it’s not doing it’s job. Lots of monologing about ideas we don’t care much about between characters we’re not interested, a few really fantastic pieces of writing and performance for Deanna that are undermined by how we feel going into the episode about the character, and more sloppily staged action and set pieces. But, we’re not done! We’ll be back next week to wrap things up and try to generate some excitement for the next half. Hopefully you’ll help out. Send us your predictions, thoughts, complaints, praises, and spoilers and we’ll talk about them next Tuesday!

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608 – Start to Finish – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 1pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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608 – Start to Finish – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron give their off the cuff opinions and thoughts about the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead, “Start to Finish”.

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