704 – The Spoils of War – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron have seen tonight’s episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones entitled, “Spoils of War”, and pronounce it hotter than dragon fire.  An instant all time great episode, with visual thrills and spectacle enough to make 10,000 complaints about jet packs and fleet sizes bend the muhfukkin’ knee.  If you don’t like it, then dracarys!  Enjoy our raving about how awesome Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Bronn, Drogon, Dany, Jon, and about a billion Dothraki screamers were for about 20 hot minutes, then please come back Tuesday for our more reasoned thoughts and opinions, as well as those of legions of our fellow fans.  And Friday, we’ll talk about Child of the Forest cave paintings, and who knows what else.  See you then!

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Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar

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