Note: is ONLY for subscribers to our Patreon, at the “In Association With” tier or higher, to gain access to ad-free podcast and RSS feeds. If you’re a legacy club member, you’re looking for
Once you’ve subscribed to our Patreon page, follow the steps below to gain access to your ad-free podcast feeds:
Step 1: Login via Patreon
First, visit our Login Page and click the “Log in with Patreon” button.
If your browser is already logged into Patreon, you can continue to the next step. Otherwise, you should see a screen (pictured below) asking you to log in to your Patreon account. Do that now.
Step 2: Create website account
In order to create your account on our website you need to allow it to access certain details of your Patreon account. We only need the public profile information and the email address associated with the account. Patreon will automatically provide this information when you click the “Allow” button on the dialog window pictured below.
Step 3: Visit your profile
Your website account has now been created and it’s time to set your password. To begin that process, visit your user profile by clicking your name (or the image of the person) in the top-right of the main website navigation bar.
You should then see the screen below, which includes your username, beginning with “patreon_”, followed by a sequence of numbers. Make a note of this username because you will need it later when subscribing to the premium podcast feeds.
Next you have to set a password for your account in order to subscribe to the podcast feeds. Scroll down to the section of the page labeled “Account Management” and click the “Set New Password” button.
A text field will appear below the button with a pre-populated password. You can use that password or delete it and type your own. The field will let you know how good or bad the password is.
Once you’ve decided on a password, scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click the “Update Profile” button.
And that’s it! Now you’re ready to subscribe to the premium podcast feeds in your favorite podcast app with your new username / password. Visit the big list of premium feeds to get the URLs you’ll need and visit Patreon’s support page to see if the podcast-app-of-your-choice supports authenticated feeds and how to subscribe to them.