Epsiode 129: Livin’ the Highlife in Heaven

PARamWelcome to Episode 129 of the Personal Arrogants podcast! We had a few technical difficulties this week, and hence we’re a day late. BUT! We have new equipment, new topics, and a new crisp clean sound. Listen to it! This week:

• Listener Feedback (8:15)

• J.J. Abrams Star Wars Land (14:36)

• Tabletop Firefly (27:16)

• Trivia! (34:04)

• Adam Sandler is Just Alright With Me (37:10)

• The WTF Files: Charles Brown (48:46)

• Recommendations (1:00:14)

And don’t forget about the Bald Move network meetup, February 1st at 8:00 p.m. at the Avery Brewery in Boulder, Colorado. See all you Rocky Mountain listeners there!

Listen up! And feed us back (we’ll put it on the cast)

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Or give us a call and leave us a voicemail at 360-362-0024 (and we’ll play it on the cast)

Thanks for listening!

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