1003 – Ghosts

The Walking Dead honors its horror roots this week with an episode that features Carol being haunted by the ghosts of her past while fighting fatigue with pharmaceuticals. There are plenty of other fights to be had as well, with the walkers closing in on Alexandria, Sidiq losing his nerve, and Eugene finally realizing that he and Rosita aren’t going to be a “thing”.

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1003 – Mulder and Scully meet the Were-Monster

A.Ron and Jim discuss the latest episode of the X-Files, “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster”. While we agree the episode was very funny, and the best of the re-vamped series so far, we are both left a bit wanting for different reasons. A.Ron wanted more Mulder and Scully, and Jim wants more myth-arc. Along the way we try to unpack all the fun easter eggs and references, and figure out where we’re going next.

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1003 – Mulder and Scully meet the Were-Monster – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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