S01E04 – M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

This episode of Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty, S01E04, “M. Night Shaym-Aliens!” has us questioning whether we’re living in a simulation. Or even a simulation of a simulation. Will Rick out-scam the scammers? Is Morty even real? Will Jerry cement his status as world’s most pathetic human? Can any of these questions be answered other than “yes”?! As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast!

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Chernobyl – Episode 4 – The Happiness of All Mankind

Hello, comrades! It’s time once again to descend into the man-made hell of Chernobyl, now with 100% more puppy-murder! The deep irony of the episode’s title, “The Happiness of All Mankind”, underscores the misery of the people who were forced to evacuate, the soul and body destroying heroism of the soldiers and engineers doing the work that…

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Con Air (1997)

Multiple viewings and hours of sober reflection have led us both to believe that Con Air is a bad movie. The plot is contrived, the accents are awful, and it’s perhaps the least “Cagey” performance in Cage’s entire career. And yet, maybe based on star-power alone, it remains a classic which simply must be watched.

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Con Air (1997) – Rewrite

A shocking discovery was made as we attempted to rewrite the cheesy classic, Con Air: It’s actually way harder than you think to fix this movie. Does that mean that the plot is actually better thought-out than we first assumed? Or is the fundamental idea so flawed that it’s simply impossible to film if you respect your audience? Or perhaps it’s simply a lack of imagination on our part? Any way you view it, we had to get real silly to make this one work, but we had a lot of fun in the process.

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Con Air (1997) – LIVEWATCH

We kicked off the back half of Season of the Cage with perhaps his most mainstream film of all time, Con Air. Does that mean it’s inoffensive? No. Is it one of Cage’s more impressive acting jobs? Also, no. Is it even a good film? Again, no. But that also doesn’t mean it’s not a fun movie to watch. Jim loves it, A.Ron probably doesn’t, but you should decide for yourself as you listen to us make jokes over it.

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The Romanoffs – 104 – Expectations

Jim and A.Ron have a split decision on the forth episode of Amazon’s The Romanoffs, “Expectations”. A.Ron found it pointless and borderline unwatchable, where Jim was drawn into the human element of Amanda Peet’s Julia struggling to deal with a secret that has been weighing on her conscience for 20 years. Regardless, the episode does feature engaging performances from very likable stars (the previously mentioned Peet, and John Slattery). What did you think? Tell us using the contact info below!

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104 – Chapter Four: The Body

Jim and A.Ron offer their takes on Netflix’s Stranger Things episode, “The Body”.   We’re undertaking a rewatch and podcast for every episode of season one to get pumped up for season two, which premiers on October 27, 2017!  We’ll be doing a season two preview this Friday, October 20th.  Got feedback?  Send it in using the contacts below!  We’ll be covering the entirety of season two the weekend beginning Oct 27th!  Come marathon Stranger Things with us!

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104 – Chapter 4

Jason is still a true believer, but A.Ron and Jim are a bit wary, and weary of the “is it real or is it all in their minds??” questions that threaten to derail an otherwise engaging season of FX’s Legion. Even still, we really dug the groovy guest spot with Jemaine Clement, and are really impressed with Aubrey Plaza’s suddenly fearsome Lenny, and are intrigued with the revelations around David’s imaginary (?) pooch King.

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The Young Pope – Episode 4

Jim, A.Ron and Cecily are back with another papal powerhouse podcast, talking about the very strange and yet strangely entertaining fourth episode of HBO’s The Young Pope. The Pope deals with the three stages of life; conception, birth, and death, in a decidely Young Popeish kind of way; intense prayer, disdain, and screaming at nuns. Sorry about the tardiness of our coverage this week, our plan going forward is to cover both Sunday and Monday episodes in a single Bald Move TV podcast on Tuesday. See you then!

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104 – Dissonance Theory

Another intriguing and informative episode of HBO’s Westworld is in the books, and we continue to have a lot to discuss. In “Dissonance Theory”, we learn that Ford has god-like control of the park, that the robots are largely made of “meat”, that Maeve is coming dangerously close to unraveling the illusion of her life, and that Bernard is intentionally steering Dolores towards the mysterious end-game of Westworld, the maze.

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