Spaceballs (1987)

Spaceballs holds a special place in comedy and sci-fi cinema. The iconic lines and legendary performances are still so quotable. But does the movie as a whole hold up? Jim and A.Ron are here to find out. One thing is for sure, it’s got the same level of sanity as the current Star Wars sequels.

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The Princess Bride (1987) 35th Anniversary Rerelease

We’re rereleasing our episode on The Princess Bride (1987) in honor of the movie’s 35th anniversary!

This was a long time coming.  Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years.  Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide.  He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman.  Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

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Over the Top (1987)

The summer badass celebration hauls on this week with Over the Top, the ludicrous 80s-soaked Sylvester Stallone movie that is one third competitive arm wrestling tournament and two thirds custody battle.

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Wall Street (1987)

Check out our Wall Street podcast! If you enjoy watching rich and powerful people con the less fortunate out of their cash and initiate young, hungry, impressionable kids into their cult-like business culture, you’ll love this week’s prestige podcast. We probably talk more about the state of the world than the actual movie but it just felt necessary.

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Moonstruck (1987)

Moonstruck stars Cher as a cursed widow and Nicolas Cage as a handless breadmaker who become completely “moonstruck” with each other. In fact, everyone in this movie is “moonstruck”. Their parents are “moonstruck”, their brothers are “moonstruck”, the uncles and aunts, even the dogs. Join us for our coverage of this 1987 Oscar-winning film.

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Predator (1987)

A big, Arnold-sized shout out to epicmouthful for commissioning the Predator podcast. It might just be the perfect action movie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers muscling their way through the jungle, toting vehicle-caliber weapons, trying to kill the alien that is hunting them. What else do you really need to say? Well, we talk for over an hour about it so if there is anything else, we probably say it.

You can get your very own custom commissioned podcast by visiting support.baldmove.com.

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Lethal Weapon (1987)

The second movie in our Christmas 2020 lineup isn’t traditionally considered a Christmas movie but once you hear our arguments for why it most certainly is, we think you’ll agree. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on the creation of modern buddy cop tropes, the bizarre music choices, (can a saxophone ever be used non-sexually)  and party nog at your daughter’s funeral.

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The Lost Boys (1987)

Special thanks to Saylor from Santa Cruz, the latest Bald Move Fantasy Football champ to claim their prize for winning the league.  Emerging from the pile victorious, he has selected the 1997 vampire flick, The Lost Boys.  Helmed by Joel Schumacher and chocked equally full of cool and hilarious moments and extremely questionable decisions, the film manages to confound and delight.  Why is 16 year old Corey Haim taking baths and being tucked into bed by his mother?  Why is there a shirtless oiled up, muscle bound sax player?  Why is Rob Lowe gazing seductively from Haim’s bedroom closet, and more importantly, why is Jim completely oblivious to his siren’s call?  Is the grandpa a vampire or what?  All these questions and more are explored in the depth to which they deserve.

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The Princess Bride (1987)

This was a long time coming. Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years. Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide. He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman. Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

Special thanks to Zan from Melbourne, Barry C from the UK, Allicyn Wilde, Robot-K, Brian S, John H, Stefan G, Mark S, Denise T, Lesley W, Jay R, Ryan L, S Duncan, Geoffry B, pmmonnat, and WeezerWes for banding together and storming the castle.

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Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Special thanks to Judd Blevins, who as a Marine has a special place in his heart for Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket and thus pulled the metaphoric trigger on this commission. A tale of two movies if there ever was one, and featuring what A.Ron describes as a very “un-Kubrickian” structure and asthetic, they guys talk about life in the military, ethics and morality in times of war, season two of Serial Podcast, and probably ill-informed commentary on geopolitics.

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