Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

This week’s Prestige podcast skirts the edge of what you can reasonably claim to be “prestige”,Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. That’s right, Kevin Costner battles Alan Rickman and an English accent with the help of Morgan Freeman in this film that can’t decide if it wants to be a grim and gritty retelling or a campy romp through the classic legend. Get your quiver and bow ready and check out the podcast!

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Barton Fink (1991) 30th Anniversary Re-release

Bald Move Prestige is where the best of the best come to shine. In the Prestige podcast, we talk about serious dramas, excellence in filmmaking, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Prestige doesn’t cover sci-fi, but if that is your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Pulp.

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Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) 30th Anniversary Re-release

It’s been thirty years since Terminator 2: Judgement Day hit the theaters and instantly became one of the greatest movie sequels of all time, and it’s been four years since we reviewed it. We figure it’s time to dust off that old podcast, shine it up, and re-release it to celebrate the milestone. Join us for our review of this classic.

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JFK (1991)

Special thanks to returning commissioner Sean Ray for having us devote a few hours to Oliver Stone’s 1991 political thriller, JFK. The film is a weird duck. In our opinion, the movie is a work of pure flim-flam. However, it’s also one of my favorite movies to watch, because it’s a really well done, and interesting piece of flim-flam that belies it’s crazy long run time and features Oliver Stone using every last ounce of his considerable film-making skill to confuse, beguile and bedazzle his audience. This movie is so star studded that few films are capable of approaching it on acting wattage alone. The sound track by John Williams hits all the right notes, from sweaty, cigarette-hazed and mentally crazed late night conspiracy theories to soaring patriotic hymns. Aside from it being, you know, mostly fiction, we’re also uncomfortable with the Grand Gay Conspiracy angle that’s being pushed. But it also sparks a lot of conversation about conspiracies in general, America’s uncomfortable relationship with Vietnam and the truth, and just why the hell is material related to the JFK assassination still classified, anyway?

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Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Congratulations to Nick Wilson, winner of one of two official “Bald Move Fantasy Football Leagues” that our forums play host to. His grand prize was a commissioned podcast, which we are pleased to present during Superbowl week. Nick picked a real crowd pleaser, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Featuring ground breaking special effects, a sci-fi plot that doesn’t give two craps about causality, and Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of his powers, the movie delivers the action goods, and then some. We discuss time travel, great movie villains, where this movie stacks up in the pantheon of sequels, and much more.

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Point Break (1991)

Our buddies over at the Nattercast, lead by fearless hosts Jason and Sion decided to commission an action movie classic, 1991’s Point Break. Starring Keanu Reaves, Gary Busey, and Patrick Swayze, and directed by Katheryn Bigelow, Point Break offers up an uncompromising look into the savage beating heart that is the suburban surfer gangster, brought into sharp relief against the rural football FBI agent, its natural foe. We thrill to the spectacular work capturing the thrilling surf and sky stunts, laugh at the acting and dialog, and are stunned at the effectiveness of a rubber Ronald Reagan mask when deployed for mayhem.

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The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

This commissioned podcast is brought to you by the generosity of one Aaron Spaulding, thank you! Aaron wanted us to check out the 1991 mystery/thriller, “The Silence of the Lambs”, directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. It’s no surprise that we’re mesmerized by Hopkin’s performance of the chilling yet suave and charming Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and found the film offered some smart commentary on a female breaking into a male dominated space as well. What might be to some surprise is Jim and A.Ron’s relative unfamiliarity with the material, which led to some confusion in places. Hope you enjoy the podcast, I hear it pairs well with a nice Chianti.

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