Groundhog Day (1993)

Jim and A.Ron have shockingly never done a review of the 1993 film, Groundhog Day, despite having watched it live on stream for 24 hours previously.

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Charity Groundhog Day Marathon!!

We’re watching the 1993 movie Groundhog Day for 24 hours, starting on February 2nd, 2018 @ 12:01AM EST.  

Please support the National Alliance to End Homelessness during our marathon by donating here!  Donating at that link ensures that our goal progress will be tracked properly, and you’ll get an onscreen credit when you give!

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The Fugitive (1993)

Special thanks to DrKen (previous commissioner of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance) for commissioning this great thriller from the 90’s, The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford as brilliant doctor wrongfully accused of the murder of his wife evading the dogged pursuit of Tommy Lee Jones as U.S. Marshal. This is one of the tightest films you’ll ever see, effortlessly moving from one set piece to another, drawing strength and vitality from the charisma and presence of it’s two brightest stars, achieving the rare balance where you want the protagonist and antagonist to find a way to both win. We have fond memories of this film from our youth, and we found it held up like Ford’s Finger ‘O Doom. Thanks again, DrKen! If you ever have to evade justice, we got a couple of bucks and a bed in the basement for you!

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Falling Down (1993)

Special thanks to Ruben from Boston who selected the 1993 Joel Schumacher drama/thriller/anger-porno “Falling Down” as the subject of this podcast. And it got us thinking a lot about where we were when we first saw this movie, and where we’re at now, how this film fits into the pantheon of well made, highly regarded films, how it’s aged, and what its meanings are. Plus, we do a bonus retrospective of the strange career of wild excess that is Joel Schumacher.

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Babylon 5

Special thanks to Brian Strader for bravely and against all odds commissioning the 90’s era sci-fi drama “Babylon 5”. Jim and I thought such a sprawling project couldn’t be properly covered in just three episodes, given our bias against the series dated FX, questionable set and costuming, and our rabid pro-Trek bias. But, amazingly, he selected three beauts that we feel gave us a newfound respect and understanding of the Babylon 5 fandom. Tune in if you want to hear a lot of comparisons and contrasts between B5 and DS9, discussion of interstellar sex, and appreciation for the emoting of snake men and owl people.

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