201 – Bang

Daredevil season two has started! We’ll be watching and reviewing a new episode every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from here on out until we’ve finished the whole thing. As we rejoin our heroes in episode 201, “Bang”, local gangs have been jockeying to occupy the power vacuum left by the Kingpin’s exit last season, and Matt might have new competition in the “get tough on crime” game.

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201 – Switch

Better Call Saul is back, and we have a lot to say about the new episode, 201, “Switch”! We got all the angles covered, from fictional high end tequila to the hot new breakfast cereal, Chocobolo, hummingbird and douchey investor cameos, Kim/Jimmy relational angst, and all points in between. Plus, a lot of great fellow fan feedback and some bonus legal analysis.

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201 – Waiting for Dutch

Jim and A.Ron are flabbergasted at what Fargo is able to get away with doing and still remain Fargo. It’s pretty incredible, actually. We discuss the mid-west gang war that provides the broad strokes of the season, lay odds on how many different way’s A.Ron will manage to pronounce “Gerhardt”, talk about Jesse Plemmon’s enduring “MATT DAY-MON” impression that he keeps finding ways to get paid for, and talk about our first impressions of the weird and wonderful characters we’ve met so far. All this, and some insanely smart emails from our impressively educated fellow fans, and you got your self a real hummer of a podcast, you betcha!

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201 – Axis Mundi

We’ve got our bags backed and we’ve boarded the green park service buses en route to Jarden, Texas, to take in the sights of the season two premiere of “The Leftoves”, “Axis Mundi”. Pre-historic births, John C. Riley camping on a column, the slaughter of goats, bird resurrection, firemen burning down houses, shocking “Perfect Stranger” and “Family Matters” tie ins… this episode met and exceeded our weirdness expectations and left us wanting more. And it wouldn’t be a “The Leftovers” podcast with out some bark at the moon crazy theories and speculation, some from us, some from you the fellow fan. Please, enjoy!

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201 – Axis Mundi – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 3:30 pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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201 – The Western Book of the Dead

After seeing the premiere, Jim & A.Ron are lukewarm on the premiere but still on board and ready for the dots to connect. The psychosphere is a little more subtle but still in full effect. Check out the podcast for our thoughts, your feedback and a big ol’ sniff of that LA smog psychosphere.

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201 – Seven Thirty-Seven

After our short break, we’re back with more Breaking Bad rewatch podcasts. This week it’s the premiere of season 2. Will this season hold up to our memory of it (or lack thereof)? We’ll find out – 13 weeks from now.

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