Rare Exports (2010)

The first movie in our slate of Very Scary Christmas movies is Rare Exports. It’s an unusual mix of mystery, horror, and the commercialization of Christmas that hails from Finland. Join us for this “festive” podcast to get in the spirit of the season!

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The Social Network (2010)

It’s been 10 years since Sorkin and Fincher released The Social Network, a movie about the origins of Facebook. So how has it aged? Join us on the podcast as we discuss this, and many other questions.

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Edgar Wright has only directed one box office bomb and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is it. Does that mean it’s a bad movie? Absolutely not. In fact, we think it’s an excellent representation of the growing cross-section of movies, gaming, and graphic novels. That’s why we’ve decided to celebrate it’s 10th anniversary with a podcast talking about what makes it great. Take a listen.

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Inception (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Christopher Nolan’s dreamscape heist film, Inception. We covered it immediately after its initial release and 10 years later we’re back to do it all over again. I assume we’ll hit level three in about 90 more years and come back from limbo to cover it one final time, but until then check out our 2nd podcast review of this film.

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Shutter Island (2010)

For this week’s commissioned podcast, we got to watch one of the many great collaborations between Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, the 2010 psychological thriller, Shutter Island. While neither of us think this movie cracks the top 5 of either gentlemen’s work, it is an effective film with a pretty good twist, and features a solid Leo performance that drifts into “great” territory later in the film, and has great supporting performances in Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Max von Sydow, among many others.

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Insidious (2010)

Special thanks once again to Sean Ray (veteran commissioner of Blood Simple) for having us check out an early effort by horror master James Wan (The Conjuring), 2010’s Insidious. Starring Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne, Insidious delivers some solid scares on a serious budget, reportedly just $1.5 million. This is the first of a two part commissioned podcast series. Next, we will consider the sequel, Insidious 2, and compare and contrast the two.

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Animal Kingdom (2010)

This Australian crime drama from 2010 really snuck up on us. It’s not what you might think given only that description, but it delivers the goods. We talk about a mother who kisses her children just a little too long, some of the excellent performances, and how it stacks up against other films in the gangster genre.

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