Dredd (2012)

Dredd (2012) is already well-loved by Jim and A.Ron. This project was brought to you by Pete Travis (Vantage Point) and Alex Garland (Ex Machina, 28 Days Later). Find out how this action, sci-fi created a whole world with the minimum number of sets and actors. The effects are equal parts stunning and gruesome. Though this movie stars Karl Urban and Lena Headey, the slow motion might have stolen the show.

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Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

This atypical romcom is the story of two broken people helping each other. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper play characters in the throes of their mental illnesses. David O. Russell adapted and directed this project, and JLaw won her first Oscar playing Tiffany. With such a high pedigree in cast and director, it’s no surprise that this film delivers on every front. And yes, it is a Christmas film.

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Les Miserables (2012)

Thanks to Michelle from Cali for this commission! The Master of the House made us laugh, Russell Crowe’s voice made us cry, and now we’re here to talk all about the 2012 adaptation of famous stageplay , which itself was based on the 1862 Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables.

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The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Andrew “The Commissioner” Mount has indicated a fifth movie that needs some Bald Move attention, this time the 2012 horror “The Cabin in the Woods”. Written by Joss Whedon and directed by long time collaborated Drew Goddard, and staring the Mighty Thor, it was what I would describe as a pleasant surprise. I was prepared for a stock slasher flick, and what I got was… something more than that. Can’t really say much else, and if you’re a horror fan who somehow missed this, I encourage you to give it a watch before you give this a listen.

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Django Unchained (2012)

Much thanks to Steven Sprague, who commissioned us to do a podcast on the 2013 Quentin Tarantino joint, “Django Unchained”. Jim and A.Ron talk about the star power, the dialogue, the action, and social issues involved in the making and consuming of Django.

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Ep 53 Year End Nerd Out

The best and the worst of 2012! Nerd-queen Lisa Jenkins from The Nerd Out podcast joins Jerilyn to look back at the year that was in a movie, tv and book kind of way. ‘Cabin In the Woods’, ‘The Dark Knight Rises’, ‘The Avengers’, ‘The Bourne Legacy’ are some of the highlights we look back on as…

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Episode 118: South Dakota Common Sense

Welcome to Episode 118 of the Personal Arrogants podcast. This week, Jesse is out because he had a baby. But in his place, Aron Hubbard has joined us from the Bald Move network to cover the following topics. It’s a doozie! • Listener Feedback (6:50) • Disney Buys Star Wars (16:40) • Trivia! (41:23) •…

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Episode 116: Ehhh, Put it on the Pizza

Welcome to Ep 116 of the Personal Arrogants Podcast, bridging that big ‘ol gap between the pop culture and the nerd culture. This week on the show: • Listener Feedback (10:15) • Voter Season (17:37) • Dopes! (27:23) • Trivia (38:10) • Best Board Games for Two Players (41:05) • r/AskArrogants (48:18) • Recco’s (57:34)…

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Movie Poll – June 15th, 2012

[poll id=”3″] Alright! It’s time to kick off this project proper!  If you’re curious what this is all about, please read this in-depth post on the Bald Movie project from last week. Select a movie from the poll to your right that you’d like to send Jim and I to.  It’s kind of slim pickings…

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Prometheus (2012)

Our little experiment starts this week as we take a stab at reviewing the new Ridley Scott scifi-horror film, “Prometheus”. This is a free bonus cast so you can gauge what you’ll get for $1 when we do it “for real” next week. If you’ve seen the movie, you might want to take a peek at this livejournal review that analyzes some of the deeper themes involved, as Jim and I make reference to it quite a bit in the spoiler section.

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