Return to Form, Highest Stakes / Biggest Risk (2017)

This 2017 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Return to Form, Highest Stakes / Biggest Risk”!  We talk about shows that might have stumbled in the past, but have picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and are back better than ever, as well as recognize the people and projects that took crazy foolish risks that paid off.

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Best Debut or Pilot, Biggest Surprise / Miss (2017)

This 2017 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Best Debut or Pilot, Biggest Surprise / Miss”!  We talk about our favorite freshmen shows and pilot episodes, the things that really took us by surprise, as well as the podcasts we feel like we let get away.

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Meta & Notable Exceptions (2017)

This 2017 Baldies Awards deliberation is on “Meta & Notable Exceptions”!  We talk about trends in television, podcasting, and why some otherwise noteworthy shows didn’t make our lists.

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The Last Jedi Rewatch

A.Ron went back and saw the newest Star Wars on his holiday break, and has a lot more to say.  He turns to life long friend and fellow fan Jim Jones to help him talk through is feelings about the film, and his fears for the future of the franchise.  Maybe you feel me, maybe you don’t, but I hope you all accept it as my honest analysis of the film.  If you want to hear our first impressions, you can get them here.  

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Star Wars Holiday Special: The Podcast

Merry Christmas, everybody! The last day of our Culkin Keatmas is upon us, and with it, our final gift to you.  Jim and I break down the Star Wars Holiday Special and take it for all it’s worth.  Wookiee porn, deeply unfunny instructional videos, ill-fitting helmets, and hours of uncaptioned Wookiee dialog are considered and de-coded but we’re still left with the big question… Why?  Since all involved have disowned the project we may never know.  But whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Life Day or any other tradition that aims to turn the coldest, darkest part of the year into something more, you are in our thoughts, and you have our gratitude for all the love and support you’ve shown us this past year.  We’ll see you in 2018!

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Star Wars Holiday Special – LIVEWATCH!

That’s right, you saw the title.  For this years Merry Culkin Keatmas grand finale, we watch the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special.  Thrill as the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk is blockaided by sinister Imperial forces that stand between Chewbacca and his family celebrating Life Day.  Honestly, that description I just typed is 1000% cooler than the awful reality; Star Wars providing a thin vinear attempting to cover that most awful of television traditions; the variety show.

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Batman Returns (1992)

Our Merry Culkin Keatmas jingles on!  We’ve seen the apex of any good Keatmas, Batman Returns, the 1992 follow up to the Tim Burton Batman.  What’s better than Jack Nicholson as the Joker?  Having two classic Bat Villains.  The concept has merit, but the execution?  It’s not as purrrrfect as Catwoman might want.  We discuss Keaton’s place in the Bat Pantheon, Devito’s bizarre, grotesque, Penguin, and the stuff that works in the Catwoman/Batman relationship, and the stuff that doesn’t.   Stay tuned because we’re not quite done, you have one more present left to unwrap!  Come back Christmas Eve (Sunday, December 24th)  to find it under the tree!

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Batman Returns (1992) – LIVEWATCH

Merry Culkin Keatmas begins its third act with the mostly beloved Tim Burton Christmas classic (not that one…), Batman Returns. Does a 1992 Batman movie starring Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Danny Devito, Christopher Walken and Paul Reubens hold up in 2017? There’s only one way to find out and it’s nearly going to kill one of us.

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310 – eps3.9_shutdown -r

USA’s Mr. Robot wraps things up in a very unconventional and yet extremely satisfying way in the aptly named “shutdown -r”.  That’s the console command to reboot a system, in case you didn’t know, and that’s pretty much what we have here, a complete return to the beginning, with Eliot having not much to show for it other than hard won knowledge of his true enemy.  Will he be able to use it to effectively fight the Prices, White Roses, and Dark Armies of the world?  Or will he be forced to accept Ms. Rose’s advances?  Season three has been a delight from start to finish, and we can’t wait to see it come back.  In the meantime, stick around!  There’s lots more Bald Move to come in the new year. See you then!

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LWJ&A – Episode 141

Ho ho ho, what’s this?  Another drunken Lunch for our Merry Culkin Keatmas?  LET’S GO!!! [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d see a video embedded in this page.  Check out our Club Bald Move page to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our…

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