302 – eps3.1_undo.gz

A.Ron and Jim have seen the latest episode of USA Network’s Mr. Robot, “eps3.1_undo.gz”, and after downing some Zoloft, feel prepared to discuss it.  Topics include A.Ron’s new TOTTDAB scale, the stunning development with Joanna, the identity of the f-society faker, Mr. Robot’s birthday, the latest installment of the ARG, feedback, and much more!

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301 – eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h

Jim and A.Ron discuss the premier of season 3 of USA’s Mr. Robot, “eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h”.  We’re glad to see Mr. Robot return with an intriguing, plot forwarding episode that is a pleasure to watch.  We really enjoyed newcomer Bobby Canavale’s turn as the sleazy fixer Irving, we’re loving the more bold hints of sci-fi wackadoo stuff to come, and the new relationships between Mr. Robot, Eliot, Angela and Darlene.  Can’t wait for more, and to find out what everyone else thinks!

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The Foreigner (2017)

A.Ron and Jim saw Jackie Chan’s return to action form in The Foreigner, a Taken-esque revenge film where a grieving father takes it upon himself to avenge the death of his beloved daughter at the hands of IRA bombers.  It’s great looking, featuring great performances from both Chan and Brosnan, and Jackie hasn’t lost more than a step or two when it comes to the action, fearlessly throwing his 63 year old body all over the screen.  What he might have lost in athleticism he makes up for in a ruthless intensity that I don’t think I’ve seen from him.  Enjoy our spoiler free review on the house, but if you want to hear us delve into spoiler territory, you’ll have to join the Club!

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Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Jim and A.Ron went to see Bladerunner 2049 tonight, what did they think?  A.Ron thinks it’s amazing, absorbing, and needs multiple viewings to unravel all of it’s mysteries, while Jim thinks the same but wishes they’d cut about 20 minutes of Gosling walking down sidewalks and starring off into the distance.  And that’s probably fair, but then again a somewhat stately, almost glacial pace is kind of a Bladerunner hallmark, no?  Enjoy our spoiler free review, and discussion of upcoming movies for free, but if you want to hear our in depth thoughts on the movie, you’ll have to be a Club Member!

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American Made (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest Tom Cruise vehicle, American Made, and it’s pretty good!  If you haven’t seen the past three seasons of Narcos or a “hey, it’s fun to watch charming people do really bad things until the third act when it all falls apart” kind of movie you might call it a great film.  But we’re about weary of the concept and wary of the “based on a true story” nature of the film.  But it’s pretty good.  And Jesse Plemmons reprises his role as “Fat Damon” from Fargo Season 2 out of nowhere.  We talk about our general opinions and upcoming movie trailers for free, but if you want to hear us ramble about the movie in a spoiler kind of way, and talk about American’s involvement in Central and South American “nation building”, you’re going to have to be a Club Member.  See you next week for Bladerunner 2049!

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IT (2017)

A.Ron and Cecily file a belated report on the smash hit horror movie based on the best selling Stephen King novel of the same name, “IT”.  Please enjoy our spoiler free review, but if you want our spoiler filled complete analysis of the film, you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move member!

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Jim and A.Ron saw Kingsman: The Golden Circle tonight, and pronounce it stupid, but fun.  Maybe ever so slightly less stupid than the first one, but also maybe not reaching quite the dizzying heights of crazy either.  But everyone in the movie looked like they were in on the joke and having the time of their lives, which helps tremendously. Everyone looks like a million bucks, the stunts are awesome and entertaining, and there are great cameos and dare we say smart payoffs to stupid jokes from the previous film.  You probably already know if you’re going to see this movie or not, and if so, relax, you’re going to have a good time.  We also discuss upcoming movies and trailers, but if you want to hear our spoiler portion of the review, you’ll have to be a Club Member.  Country road, take me home! 

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Mother! (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Darren Aronofsky’s newest film, Mother!, and A.Ron hates it while Jim isn’t sure.  But it’s rated 78% on Rotten Tomatoes, so don’t let us put you off it.  It’s a piece of art, and it makes you feel things, that’s for sure.  Oh, by the way, if it hasn’t been clear, me — that is to say, A.Ron — is the guy who writes all of these little stub articles that no one reads and I’m still kind of angry and raw that I sat through this film, so I’m going to see myself out.  Enjoy the free part of the movie review and trailer talk, and if you want to hear us try to decompress the film, there’s that too but only if you’re a Club Member.  See you next week for Kingsmen 2: The Golden Circle.

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The Dark Tower (2017)

We have seen The Dark Tower, being the latest attempt to adapt the works of Stephen King to the big screen. How did it fair? Well… Neither of us have read the novel series that the movie is based on, which seemed to be a plus, because I think we liked it more than most, certainly more than die hard Tower fans. Idris Elba is very, very good, and looks the business as the Gunslinger, and has excellent chemistry with the young boy who holds the fate of multiple worlds in his hands, while Matthew McConnoghey is… fine. Turns out that it’s super hard to adapt 7 books worth of lore and world-building into 90 (!!!) minutes of film. Who knew?

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Atomic Blonde (2017)

We saw the new action spy thriller Atomic Blonde tonight, starring Charlize Theron and James McAvoy. We give universal praise to the action and the stars for delivering great performances and believable stunt work. The visual flair of the movie is incredible too. But, we’re just not sure about the plot. We might be having a slow night, but we’re not sure everyone’s motivations and spy stuff work out. And, I’m at least a little bummed that this movie was more gritty and introspective and less fun than the romp I was expecting. Still, with stunt work nestled comfortably between the grounded pummeling of The Bourne Identity and the over the top wet work of John Wick, you owe it to yourself to see it and form your own opinion.

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