Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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208 – Guilty as Sin

Daredevil episode 208, “Guilty as Sin” is before the jury. What will be the verdict? On the one hand, we have great fight scenes, a rapidly expanding mythology that’s managing to stay on Jim’s sweet side, and some nice court scenes with Foggy. On the other hand, we’re really wondering WTF is going on with Frank, there are some pretty bad courtroom scenes with Foggy and Karen, and Matt’s punch in leiu of dialog is wearing out us as fast as it is Stick. See you Wednesday!

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208 – Loplop

FARGO WINS THE WEEK! In “Loplop”, Fargo hits all the notes; comedy, drama, suspense, without ever causing any tonal conflicts, and sets the season on it’s final, no doubt bloody, and most likely weird, trajectory. It wasn’t perfect; we felt a little uncomfortable with this episode’s timelines, and geographic orientation, which we discuss in the cast proper and in feedback, but Peggy as hostage taker, Ed as gangland negotiator, and Hanzee as the anti-Malvo were all fascinating and satisfying to watch. A.Ron discusses watching Miller’s Crossing and how it has him resurrecting his old “Hanzee as a double/triple agent” theory, and Jim gets to bask a bit in the glow of his hangman notice in the previous episode memorably paying off. Lots of praise, lots of great listener email, a good time is had by all.

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208 – International Assassin

Jim and A.Ron try not to drink the water while recapping the dreamy/supernatural events of The Leftovers episode 208, “International Assassin”, because we do not want to forget a thing… We discuss our core beliefs of this episode, and where we fall on the “is it real?” or “is it a dream?” spectrum, and the answers may surprise you. We then discuss birds, Windex, Neosporin, the many faces of Patti, inexpensive knock off bourbons, and some shocking real life Jeopardy coincidences. All this, tons of feedback, and a burning need to see next week’s episode, like, yesterday, and it’s all coming at you. See you next week!

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208 – Omega Station

Jim and A.Ron attempt to have a nuanced discussion on the ups and downs of Season Two of True Detective. We talk about what worked, what didn’t, the possibility of a RenaiVance, and wonder about the identity of the series as we anticipate Season Three. If you’ve enjoyed our coverage of Season One and Two, please consider leaving us a positive iTunes review or supporting us with the links below. If you’re super mad that we never learned how to pronounce Edd-i-pus, or we otherwise gave you blueballs of the heart, there’s always the option for the scathing one star review. As for us? No rest. Never stop moving. Hopefully we’ll see you later on for Fargo / The Leftovers / The Walking Dead.

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208 – Better Call Saul

In this re-watch of Breaking Bad episode 208, “Better Call Saul” we talk about criminal lawyers, panic attacks, turkey necks and the axes that love them, women marking their territory, and the sliding scale of how much a conscience is worth. All this, your feedback, and a fat, healthy spoiler section. Enjoy!

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208 – “Appropriately Sized Pots”

Hello there! Pi’ilani (of Diversity Nerd fame) joins us this week to talk about episode 208 of Orange is the New Black, “Appropriately Sized Pots”. We discuss the importance of needle work, Rosa’s confusing latina/slavic vibe,the importance of frequent bathing, and how therapeutic destroying a green house can be. If you want to give us…

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