304 – The Narrow Escape Problem

There is a whole lot to ponder in “The Narrow Escape Problem”, the latest episode of FX’s Fargo. Communist propaganda, meditations on the 1%, Joseph Stalin, bulimia, Ewan McGreggor playing a different Ewan McGreggor playing yet another Ewan McGreggor; an Ewan McCeption, if you will, biblical themes, our heads are just spinning. And Gloria with new found gal pal Winnie seem on pace to have this whole thing solved by the next episode. Which probably means the floor’s about to fall out!

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304 – G’Day Melbourne

Jim and A.Ron are struggling to get by in this post-Nora/Kevin romance world. It’s just all almost too much. But are they done for reals? Is there hope for a reunion, or a happy ending for these two, or should we just look for our nearest LADR box and jump in, no questions asked? But there are always questions, aren’t there? Would you kill a twin baby to save the world from cancer? What sort of crazy whitefella adventures are the Kevins going to get up to in the land down under? Will the sun still rise in a post-Mark Linn-Baker world? I guess we’ll just have to keep watching…

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304 – G’Day Melbourne – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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304 – Sabrosito

The latest outing for AMC’s Better Call Saul, “Sabrosito”, offers more intriguing information on our favorite Chicken Brother, Gus Fring, as we go back in time to explore the Eladio Cartel’s internal politics, and the petty jealousies and rivalries that will eventually add up to Fring’s pyrrhic victory over his associates to the South. But we also have some family drama as Jimmy and Chuck continue to wage their cold, legal war against each other. Will the law offices of Wexler and McGill triumph over HHM? My money’s on Victor and Giselle. Also, Mike turns down ice cream, the absolute mad man.

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304 – Sabrosito – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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304 – Rules of Honorable Play

The plot thickens! In this episode, Joe gets snarky, Cameron gets fiery, Gordon gets chill, and Donna hides in the corner of the basement and gets creepy, underhanded and intriguing. It seems that the stage is set for a major coup in the Mutiny world, and Joe might just invent the internet. Stuff is happening, so grab your Tandy Shandy and take it all in.

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304 – “A Blade of Grass”

A.Ron and Cecily are impressed with the levels of craft employed in the latest episode of Showtime’s Penny Dreadful, “A Blade of Grass”. And by craft we mean both acting, cinematography, set design, and of course, witch. Rory Kinnear and Ava Green both attempt to blow each other off screen in a very tightly wound bottle episode, and we’re the richer for it. Join us as we try to unravel the complex mythology being built upon this season, with a little help from the feedback of our fellow fans.

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304 – Green Light

Jim and A.Ron continue their summer BrBa rewatch with episode 304, “Green Light”. If you can’t get enough Breaking Bad deep dives, check out the Heisenberg Chronicles posts on 3×04: Factoids, locations, observations, fan art, gifs and more, courtesy Shane B.!

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304 – “Finger in the Dyke”

A.Ron is joined by Pi’ilani, podcaster for hire (appearances include The Because Show, The Walking Dead ‘Cast, among many others) to break down episode 304 of Orange is the New Black, “Finger in the Dyke”. A.Ron and Pi’ilani discuss Big Boo’s origin story, some touching moments between quasi-step-sisters Susanne and Tastee, a bunch of dumb crap with Alex and Piper, as well as the same with Daya and Bennett. All this against the backdrop of Litchfield being investigated by a company that is interested in privatizing the prison. Plot twist; every female inmate that is biologically capable of menstruation is on her period. Bum, bum, DUMMMMM!

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304 – “Chapter Thirty”

In this episode 306 of House of Cards, “Chapter 30”, Jim and A.Ron are struggling with a seemingly and suddenly petty, spiteful, and surprisingly weak Underwood White House. We discuss burying soldiers, senior moments on the Supreme Court with Justice Jimmy Carter, surprise candidacies, pulling journalist credentials, and Gavin’s latest social hacking, plus a very controversial presidential spit take. All this and your feedback as the binge rolls on.

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