308 – Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

We finish Netflix’s Stranger Things 3 with the finale episode, “The Battle of Starcourt”. We found it gross, hilarious, thrilling, and touching, which means we thought it was a pretty great ending to a pretty great season of Stranger Things. I can see how people who are kind of sick of the nostalgia pandering, the product placement, and skeptical of some of the more outlandish breaks in the action to allow for drama, but we loved every minute of it. 

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308 – Now am Found

Season three of True Detective comes to a close with a divisive finale, “Now Am Found”. Many are upset at the show’s apparent lack of interest in it’s own case and storytelling, but others see the acting, character and thematic work as being more than enough to walk away from West Finger feeling satisfied. Which camp do you fall in? That will be all for us, but we hope we see you around real soon as we continue to cover the best in television and movies here at Bald Move!

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308 – Now Am Found – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see…  Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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308 – Second Sons

Jim and A.Ron consider the latest episode in our summer re-watch of season three of HBO’s Game of Thrones. “Second Sons” features the second happiest wedding we’ve ever seen on Westeros (which is damning with non-existent praise), Arya swinging from utter despair to something approaching optimism in her captivity with the Hound (the sweet, summer child), as newcomer Daario Naharis steals into Dany’s camp attempts to steal Dany’s heart. We discuss all this and more!

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308 – Second Sons – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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308 – It Reaches Out

SyFy’s Amazon’s The Expanse this week takes a turn for the surreal in the tense, amazing episode “It Reaches Out” that will have you desperate for the next one. The episode practically drips with mystery and meaning that we’ll eventually understand (What does the protomolecule want with Holden and the Rocinante, and why is it reaching out 113 times per second? Who stands to benefit from framing the OPA for the Seung Un atrocity? Are Melba and Cohen working together, and to what end?) but for now… you got to watch your doors and corners, kid.

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308 – eps3.7_dont-delte-me.ko

USA Network’s Mr. Robot offers us a quieter, more introspective, but no less fascinating episode this week.  A possible turning point for the series and our protagonist, as told through a meditation on suicide and death as seen through the lens of deletion.  And if the material didn’t grab you, my god, the visuals.  Sam goes all out and widens the scope to “Cinema” both literally and stylistically offering us one lush and well crafted scene after another.  Just two more episodes to come, what can Esmail and company do to keep raising the narrative and artistic stakes?  See you next week to find out!

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308 – Who Rules the Land of Denial?

FX’s Fargo threw audiences a supernatural, out of nowhere curve ball this week in “Who Rules the Land of Denial” and A.Ron…. loved it? The man who hates a fishnado, the man who revolts at the first sign of UFO, is all down for purgatory overseen by a Wandering Jew? Okay, then. We discuss Jewish mysticism, Gloria Burgle’s arc, who is tormenting Emmitt, and how Varga’s move against Sy could be a fatal mistake.

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308 – Slip

Jim and A.Ron discuss the latest episode of AMC’s Better Call Saul, “Slip”. We note, rather ominously, the next episode title is “Fall”. Gulp. We discuss better strategies for pill swapping, the probably bowel patterns of an elderly man who’s diet consists entirely of Mexican food and espresso, and give a full-throated cheer for Kim serving some cold justice to one Howard Hamlin.

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Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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