410 – Winner

Jim and A.Ron have mixed reviews for AMC’s Better Call Saul’s season four finale, “Winner”. We’re a house divided as to whether “Winner” did enough to justify this season’s at times uneven pacing and anti-climactic storytelling. Still, neither of us think the season was bad by any stretch, and this episode has tons of great scenes; the end of Mike and Werner’s working relationship, Kim coming to the realization that she’s just another in a long line of Jimmy’s suckers, Jimmy breaking down in his Esteem at the fundamental injustice he feels he faces in society. Whether it all adds up to a compelling whole is a question everyone has to answer for themselves. Regardless, we’ll be back next week to wrap things up and entertain counter arguments and theories for what territory Saul will be treading next. See you then!

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410 – Winner – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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410, 411, 412 – Chapters 49-51

We’re nearing the home stretch. Just one episode left to cover after this, and then the season re-cap. But there is plenty of machinations left to unravel. Frank uses national security, the death of a mother-in-law, and the inexperience and ambition of his political rival for his own gain, aided and abetted by his right hand woman, Claire. Can frank defeat both political parties, a skilled and savvy reporter with a lot of axe to grind, as well as the terrorist organization ICO in just one more hour of television? We’ll find ou

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410 – Orphans

Cecily and A.Ron bring a little Christmas cheer to an episode with a jet black send off for it’s two week hiatus. We discuss wayward boys, tattoos and hair removal, Elsa’s dubious act of charity, and discuss the worst characters in AHS history. All this plus a smattering of feedback and a teeny, tiny little spoiler section. Enjoy, and happy holidays!

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410 – The Children

Jim and A.Ron go all out talking about the season 4 finale of Game of Thrones, episode 410, “The Children”. In what turned out to be a behemoth, two and a half hour extravaganza, they boys discuss the merits of mounted cavalry versus untrained foot soldiers, whether the tree cave was more LotRy or Fraggle Rocky, who had Arya’s best interests at heart, what’s worse; a punch to the nuts or a savage kick to the vagoo, and finally, just how Effed in the Bee is Westeros at the close of this season? All this, plus a ton of feedback, and A.Ron tries to talk book readers off their ledge in the spoiler section. Don’t forget, we come back next week for an epic season four wrap up cast! Have something you still need to get off your chest, send it in!

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410 – Salud

In this week’s episode, we talk about gifts of booze and bad cars, Jesse laying down the law, Walt Jr’s possible drug thievery, Ted being in the dumbass business, A.Ron’s hatred for Tuvok, Gus’s ambivalence when confronted with ‘dat ass, and his badassness when confronted with damn near anything else.

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