410, 411, 412 – Chapters 49-51

We’re nearing the home stretch. Just one episode left to cover after this, and then the season re-cap. But there is plenty of machinations left to unravel. Frank uses national security, the death of a mother-in-law, and the inexperience and ambition of his political rival for his own gain, aided and abetted by his right hand woman, Claire. Can frank defeat both political parties, a skilled and savvy reporter with a lot of axe to grind, as well as the terrorist organization ICO in just one more hour of television? We’ll find ou

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411 – Magical Thinking

American Horror Story: Freak Show returns and so do we! We very much enjoyed NPH’s arrival to our little traveling circus, because who the hell doesn’t like NPH? We also discuss the fate of Dell, our continued lack of interest in all things Jimmy, the marital arrangements of Chester, whether “The Molester” is a good idea for a stage name, and much more. All this, and your feedback, coming at ya!

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Season Four Wrap Up

And now the end is here, as Jim and A.Ron sign off on a fantastic season of Game of Thrones with a season four extravaganza.  We give our overall opinions on S4, talk about how it stacks up to previous seasons, wrap up some loose ends, do an in depth look at key differences between the books and the series in an effort to gain background information and a deeper appreciation of both, and consider listener feedback.  Then A.Ron hosts a final spoiler segment, discussion previous tin foil theories as well as talking about casting and potential plot points for season five!

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411 – Crawl Space

We talk about tongue shots, scales balancing, Walt’s face, Gus’s possible man crush on Jesse, Ted’s dumb, smarmy ass, a bridge too far for Tio, Hank’s suspicious mind, Carnivore’s performance problems, Walt begging, twice, badass Volvo station wagons, Breaking Bad’s OCD obsession with cleanliness, and Walt getting low.

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