410, 411, 412 – Chapters 49-51

We’re nearing the home stretch. Just one episode left to cover after this, and then the season re-cap. But there is plenty of machinations left to unravel. Frank uses national security, the death of a mother-in-law, and the inexperience and ambition of his political rival for his own gain, aided and abetted by his right hand woman, Claire. Can frank defeat both political parties, a skilled and savvy reporter with a lot of axe to grind, as well as the terrorist organization ICO in just one more hour of television? We’ll find ou

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412 – Show Stoppers

Cecily and A.Ron muddle through a podcast for episode 412 of American Horror Story: Freak Show entitled “Show Stoppers”. The episode had one hilariously awesome moment between Chester and Maggie, an awkward homage to the classic horror film “Freaks”, and a dumb plot for dumb Jimmy about his dumb hands where he screams and yells a lot. On the positive side, lots of our extremely smart listeners were shot calling and balling their predictions, which is always fun. At the end, we’re left wondering what to expect for the finale next week, “Curtain Calls”? All this, plus a good helping of feedback. See you next week, freaks!

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412 – End Times

This week we discuss dramatic crying, playing spin the revolver, burger-flipping knock and talks, Tuvok’s mastery of the art of dickishness, Meat Eating Man’s magic hands, stress smoking, playing with fire, ricin emergencies, cold packs and hot stoves, and cap things off with the Mother of Breaking Bad Theory discussions.

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