606 – Blood of My Blood – SpoiLore Edition

Jim and A.Ron consider some book-based speculation and theories from the latest episode of Game of Thrones! If you’re a show-only watcher who doesn’t want any spoilers, it’s best to just skip this one. Need to catch up? Here’s a Tinfoil SpoiLore archive of previous podcasts by topic. Each link has a time code listed so you can jump right to the tinfoil topic of the week for your convenience and listening pleasure

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606 – Blood of My Blood

In this podcast we discuss the latest episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones series, “Blood of My Blood”. We consider the many visions Bran experienced as he “becomes” the Three Eyed Raven, the surprising appearance of a Stark long since lost, the fizzle of a show down between the Sparrows and the Lannister/Tyrell alliance, Arya choosing sides, Gilly not passing the muster, and Dany making yet another inspiring speech. All this, plus tons and tons of feedback from your fellow fans. See you Friday for the SpoiLore edition, where we delve deep into the prophecies, visions, and tinfoil theories spawned by the books and lore behind A Song of Ice and Fire!

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606 – Blood of My Blood – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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606 – Blood of My Blood – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron give their snap observations and opinions of the latest Game of Thrones episode, “Blood of My Blood”. One the one hand, it’s kind of classic “move the pieces around the chessboard” episode, but on the other hand, anyone who has said politics is boring has never seen a stump speech given while mounted on a dragon. Also, sword heists, Waif Watch, and The Bronn That is Promised! We’ll be back Tuesday with a whole lot more podcast and a big old bag of feedback. See you then!

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606 – Blood of My Blood – Instant Take – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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606 – Always Accountable

Jim and A.Ron want to hold someone “Always Accountable” for what is, on the surface, a serviceable enough episode of The Walking Dead, but becomes on reflection, a tedious seeming waste of time for us the viewers.
Daryl loses his bike and his ‘bow, Abraham gets some new threads and a new plan for life, and Sasha gets a walrus mustached possibly recovering death jockey for a boyfriend. Along the way, there’s forest fires, melted zombies, Cherokee roses, improbably diabetics, and a truck named Patty. All this and plenty of feedback, in a fairly dispirited podcast. We’ll hope for better this weekend, and either way, we’ll see you then.

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606 – Always Accountable – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 1:00pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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606 – Always Accountable – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron have seen episode 606, “Always Accountable” of The Walking Dead. Of that fact we are certain. We’re more fuzzy about the who, what and where of “Accountable”. But we’re crystal clear that the concept of Abraham possessing RPG’s is going to be pretty epic one of these days. I mean, look at what Carol did with a bottle rocket back at Terminus. Anyway, use the links below to get in touch and we’ll see you back here Tuesday for our full coverage podcast!

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606 – Always Accountable – Instant Take – LIVE RECORDING

Starts approximately at 10:15pm EST! Come watch us record, live and in the Bald Move studio. It’s the fastest way to get our podcast, and see all the behind the scenes stuff including the occasional flubs and glitches.

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606 – Always Accountable – LIVE WATCH

Starts approximately at 9pm EST! Watch the episode with us. Odds are it will be at least a minor train wreck and we’ll have a lot of fun.

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