
A Prophet (2009)

Special thanks to Frank Cantelmi for pulling the metaphoric trigger to commission a podcast on “A Prophet”, a 2009 French film and Academy Award nominee directed by Jacques Audiard. An intense, beautiful, absorbing look in how a hapless youth is pulled ever deeper into a world of violent crime, Jim and A.Ron compare it favorably to The Godfather, Goodfellas, and Scarface. Yes, really. Thanks again, Frank!

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Pulp Fiction (1994)

Hey, it’s our first ever community commissioned podcast! Thanks to eight intrepid members of the Bald Move community for pitching in and making this podcast happen. Pulp Fiction is a Tarantino classic, starring Sam Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman along with many others. It’s funny, it’s violent, it’s cool as hell, it is watchable as all hell, features a lot of interesting structural and visual details, and offers some of the all time best dialog ever. We love this film, and we hope you all love the podcast. If you want another Bald Move take, check out Eric and Levi’s Direct podcast covering Pulp Fiction.

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LWJ&A – Episode 55 – No Logo

Hungry for more Jim & A.Ron? Great, because it’s lunch time and we’re here.?

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LWJ&A – Episode 54 – Sausage Poisoned

It’s the first LWJ&A of 2016! We spent a lot of time over the break playing video games and watching TV. Who could have guessed?? We talk all about Batman: Arkham City, Pocket Mortys, Jim’s wire bonsai tree, expiration dates on food, Chipotle poisoning 53 people, and a whole lot more.

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The Fifth Element (1997)

Special thanks once again to Aaron Spaulding, who for his double commission feature selected the wonderful, weird, and fully preposterous Luc Besson joint “The Fifth Element”, of which Jim and I are very familiar with. We delve into the depths of Jim’s annoyance with Ruby, while A.Ron explains how he quit worrying and learned to love the Rodd, Besson’s partly crazy, partly insightful look into life in the 24th century, and spend quite a bit of time analyzing the lead actors Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman.

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The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

This commissioned podcast is brought to you by the generosity of one Aaron Spaulding, thank you! Aaron wanted us to check out the 1991 mystery/thriller, “The Silence of the Lambs”, directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. It’s no surprise that we’re mesmerized by Hopkin’s performance of the chilling yet suave and charming Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and found the film offered some smart commentary on a female breaking into a male dominated space as well. What might be to some surprise is Jim and A.Ron’s relative unfamiliarity with the material, which led to some confusion in places. Hope you enjoy the podcast, I hear it pairs well with a nice Chianti.

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Teeth (2007)

Special thanks to podcast commissioner Julie Webster for pulling the trigger on the Mitchell Lichtenstein film, “Teeth”, starring Jess Weixler. It is a frequently funny, sometimes creepy, yet often insightful look at the mythology behind vagina dentata, or “toothed vagina”. This movie has severed peen for days, ya’ll. They guys spend the better part of an awkward hour discussing the film and related topics, hope you enjoy

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Fight Club (1999)

Merry Christmas to Daniel L. from Alyssa, David, and Ryan, who joined forced to commission this podcast on 1999’s “Fight Club”, directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. Fight Club is a dark and yet at times humorous look at the savage heart of mankind, and the guys have a lot of thoughts on it’s ideas and philosophy, despite the constraints of talking about Fight Club while working within the film’s first and second rule.

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LWJ&A – Episode 52 – “Qui Chier L’évier?!” Part 2

It’s mostly talk about shit and shit-related practical jokes this week; namely, “Who shit the sink?”. Also, we start out 3-shots deep and keep it going from there. There will be much entertainment. Come have lunch with us and watch us be the opposite of sober.

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Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Andrew “The Commissioner” Mount “strikes” again from his hidden rebel base, this time forcing us to watch Episode V of the Star Wars saga, “The Empire Strikes Back.”  Which, incidentally, depending on the age of the A.Ron you ask, is either his favoritist movie of all time, or top three.  Either way, it’s a treat.  Once again, Jim and I try to sort through our childhood and adult memories of this holiest of trilogies to give it the treatment it deserves. If you missed in the first time, or would like to listen again, you can check out our coverage of A New Hope, also brought to you by The Commish.  

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