
Season 11B Wrapup

In this world of zombies, turns out nearly everyone is safe. With multiple spinoff series announced, there’s no need to fear for the lives of the main characters anymore. Unless…the spinoff series are a ploy and everyone dies?! Pick your side of the conspiracy. Join us as we wrap up what can best be described as not the worst season, but definitely not the best season of The Walking Dead. 

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LWJ&A – Episode 334 – The Alpaca is the Superior Dollar

Lunchtime! The Lunch of Legend has arrived. Long ago predicted by a glorious typo, the time capsule episode is here. Let’s crack it open and read some of these eerily correct and downright hilarious predictions. Hold onto your pineapple, the Water Wars are coming.

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S02E07 – Monsters

In this episode of Picard, Patrick Stewart does some of the best acting of the show accompanied by some of the worst scenes of the show. Ogres and onions aren’t the only things that have layers anymore, join us as we try to track a couple different plot lines through multiple layers of nonsense. It’ll have you asking important questions such as, is Q a sociopath or party animal? Is Borg-Jurati getting a high off of smashing windows? If you love Star Trek, maybe this isn’t the episode for you, but if you like absurd comedy, this is right up your alley. Maybe there’s too much snakeleaf going around.

Feedback will be in a different episode so we can properly address it. And we’re wrapping up this season soon, so you better send it in at picard@baldmove.com.

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S02E06 – Two of One – Feedback

Your feedback has been held in the Magnetic Containment Bottle on the Starship Bald Move and Captains A.Ron and Jim and are cracking it open to read what you have to say. The Picard writing team have phasers set to stun, and stunned we are. Let’s decipher the portrayal of mental health and dream about what a present-day episodic Star Trek would be like.

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Severance, Everything Everywhere All At Once – Off the Clock

Listener beware, there be SPOILERS ahead. What’s a Lynchian show about innies and outies, but has nothing to do with belly buttons? All jokes aside about Apple TV+, Severance is actually pretty damn cool. Jim and A.Ron discuss the fault lines forming in Lumon’s facade and in the severed minds of the workers. The scifi premise of the show creates the potential for philosophy behind these bizarre scenes, and yes even those strange, strange waffle parties.

Speaking of unique workplaces, A.Ron and Jim’s working on their backup business plan where they stick googly eyes on toilet plungers. They’re looking for investors.  And while we’re talking about googly eyes, we’ve got a review for the all-new, all-amazing Everything Everywhere All At Once.

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Just My Bill

This week Michael and KITT are put on security detail for state senator! Sen. Maggie Flynn is a real “Bernadette” Sanders type, a champion of the people who is trying to block a corrupt development deal that will threaten the environment and cause resident’s power bills to soar. If the civically dubious direct action doesn’t grab you, Devon plays model UN!

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1116 – Acts of God

Have you seen The Bourne Trilogy, All the President’s Men, and Prince of Egypt? If yes, you’ll see where the writers of The Walking Dead took inspiration from this season. The title of this episode is “Acts of God”, so aside from the cameo from Brood X, we’d like to know where these other acts are. Don’t miss the zombies biting at the gaps in the armor of Seal Team Sux with the same ferocity of your uncle eating a chicken wing at the family picnic. 

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LWJ&A – Episode 333 – Wolverine Cannot Be Circumcised

Lunchtime! Coming to you with another Bald Move Lunch is Jim and A.Ron who’s in a robe again and he promises this has nothing to do with his mental health. On this episode, learn about the merits of a portable bidet and the game Wingspan where you are rewarded with snacks. A discussion of turns of phrase comes up and we read a question from a Gen X-er who is wondering if he should have any fucks left to give. Sounds like he couldn’t care less, and yes, the turn of phrase is couldn’t care less. Get it together people.

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S02E06 – Two of One

Okay, okay, the liquid in the vial is blue! A.Ron concedes. And acknowledges he might be colorblind.
Do you want to emit EMPs from your cells and then put on a cover concert of 20th century rock and roll? Yes? Well, then you may want to look into getting borg-ified like Agnes Jurati. Join Jim and A.Ron as they tackle an episode that ranges from impromptu concerts to the aftermath of domestic abuse, a topic very personal to Patrick Stewart’s own childhood. 

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Philadelphia (1994)

The year is 1994 and Tom Hanks is trying to redefine his funny-man image and there’s nothing less funny than AIDS. Join us for the first mainstream Hollywood film about the AIDS epidemic starring Tom Hanks as a gay man who believes he was wrongfully terminated for his disease and Denzel Washington, the homophobic lawyer who decides to defend him.

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