
1109 – No Other Way

The Walking Dead is back for the second, but not final, premiere of the eleventh season and so are we to praise it where it’s good (yes, it’s occasionally good) and to blow it up like it was hit by the hwacha when it’s bad (it often is). Join us for the podcast to find out what we thought.

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LWJ&A – Episode 326 – I Have Questions

Lunchtime! We’re back from our post-groundhog stream vacations and ready to clear the backlog of your questions that have built up over the past 2 weeks.

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Uncharted (2022)

Uncharted is getting pretty awful reviews and we think we know why. Mark Wahlberg. He’s just a bad Sully and doesn’t seem particularly interested in being in what is an otherwise competent National Treasure-style action movie. It feels very similar to the series of games and the set pieces were enjoyable enough to keep us engaged, with maybe one exception. Join us for the podcast to hear our full spoiler-free thoughts and then, if you’re a Club Bald Move member, continue into the spoiler section at the end.

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Yellowjackets S1 – Off the Clock

We’ve both finished the first season of Yellowjackets and we’re hungry to talk about it so we spend this entire episode talking about nothing but that. We start off with a spoiler-free discussion to whet your appetite before opening up the soft belly of the podcast to spill its spoiler guts. Ok, we spend a few minutes on Peacemaker, The Expanse books 6 & 7, and Andy Weir’s latest book too, but it’s mostly Yellowjackets.

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Minari (2020)

Minari is a highly-acclaimed movie about an immigrant Korean family moving from California to Arkansas to find a new life and their piece of the world. We really enjoyed this slice-of-life tale. Check out the podcast to find out why.

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Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

The season finale of The Book of Boba Fett didn’t exactly wow us despite a near-hour-long action sequence that includes pretty much every character that has ever appeared on screen in Star Wars or any other cinematic universe. (I think Goofy is even in the background somewhere.) Join us for a discussion about what worked and what didn’t, but if you’re a big fan of what’s been happening on Book of Boba this season… maybe skip this one.

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Get Out (2017)

Get Out is Jordan Peele’s big-screen writing and directorial debut and it works remarkably well. His comedic chops transfer seamlessly to the socially-conscious horror genre. So well in fact, that he actually won an academy award for the screenplay. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on Get Out.

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Deep Water (2006)

Deep Water is a British documentary about a boat race in the late 1960s so maybe you can understand why I thought this pick from commissioner Aaron might be a little dry. I expected a lot of coxswain this, and bosun that. Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing like I expected. Check out the documentary, then join us for a podcast about isolation and the delicate mechanism of the mind.

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Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger

Come with us on a journey to glimpse the elusive creature known as the “Boba Fett”. Together, we will take to the sands of Tatooine, venturing into its natural habitat to catch a sight more rare than a hope chest full of spice. Be sure to gaze upon it only briefly however, for the Boba Fett is a timid and skittish creature which can be easily startled, retreating back into its hiding hole.

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LWJ&A – Episode 325 – Mock Lunch

Lunchtime! This week we’re prepping for our 24hr Groundhog Day charity marathon. Jim is building Chinese LEGO and losing a battle with his house while A.Ron is snowed in.

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