
1103 – Hunted – Feedback

It’s the feedback episode for S11E03 “Hunted”. Time for our audience to help us rip and tear the flesh from this episode and see if there’s anything left at the end.

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Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain is a movie that received a lot of attention, both from critics and the media, when it came out in 2005. That was likely just due just as much to it being a movie about two men in love that treated it like any other star-crossed relationship as it was the incredible performances of everyone involved, but specifically the lead actors. Join us for a discussion of this Oscar-winning film.

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1103 – Hunted

The Walking Dead fares a little better this week as everybody runs from the reapers and we get a small morsel of horse hope.

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Invincible S01E01 & S01E08

Thanks to Brian, we’ve got another commission this week. It’s the first and last episodes of Invincible season 1. You might not expect a bookended sampling of a series to work very well, but aside from not knowing a few of the side characters, I apparently missed out on almost nothing by skipping the other 6 episodes. Join us for a discussion of this animated deconstruction of the superhero genre.

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LWJ&A – Episode 307 – Appawling

Lunchtime! This week I give a big update on the sale of our house and the hunt for a new place to live, and A.Ron talks about his new current favorite game, Wingspan. Then we answer a bunch of listener questions.

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1102 – Acheron: Part II – Feedback

Now that you’ve heard what we have to say, join us for what you have to say in the feedback episode for Acheron Part 2.

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Pig (2021)

If you’re going into this movie expecting a John Wick clone starring Nicolas Cage, you’re going to be surprised. Truly, I don’t know if there is a way to properly calibrate your expectations for Pig. It’s best to go in not knowing too much. Join us for the podcast to find out what we thought about it.

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Southpaw (2015)

A big thank you to Dr. DeVito for commissioning Southpaw, the 2015 boxing movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a Raging Bull-type who just can’t get out of his own way while recovering from a traumatic accident. If you’ve seen any boxing movie ever made, you’ve seen some portion of this movie, as it borrows every trope you can think of. It does manage to deliver the emotional punches though, due mostly to the excellent cast.

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1102 – Acheron: Part II

The working title for this episode was allegedly “Garbage In, Garbage Out”, which might have been more suitable given what we thought of the episode. There are a few redeeming qualities, but they sorta painted themselves into a corner last week, then doubled down with a few unforced errors. Join us for the podcast to…

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LWJ&A – Episode 306 – Pokémoba

Lunchtime! This week Jim refuses to talk about his stressful experience selling his house and finding a new place to live and A.Ron talks about his experience with the new Pokémon-based MOBA game, Pokémon Unite. And of course we answer questions from the audience.

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