Alexander Payne

The Holdovers (2023)

The Holdovers is a delightful movie with emotional depths that isn’t seen often in recent cinema. Alexander Payne has crafted a heartfelt movie about a group of boys left at boarding school over Christmas break. Paul Giamatti stars as the curmudgeon tasked with watching them. The film explores the depths of joy, despair, and hilarity. It’s been called an “instant Christmas classic”, and Jim and A.Ron agree.

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Nebraska (2013)

Start your road trip in the great plains state of Nebraska and join Bruce Dern, Will Forte, and Bob Odenkirk as they navigate tough family ties. Directed by Alexander Payne comes some of his signature directorial details, humor drier than the plains in the summer heat and characters that are almost larger than life. In this epically-slow burn, you’ll find yourself or your family in this story.

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Sideways (2004)

This week, we’ve got my absolute favorite Paul Giamatti movie, Sideways. It’s a well-written but also hilarious movie where an extremely depressed Paul Giamatti begrudgingly helps his college roommate philander his way through northern California wine country. It has some all-time classic Giamatti moments that we can’t wait to talk about. Get Sideways with us this on this podcast.

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