American Horror Story

512 – Be Our Guest

Cecily and A.Ron say goodbye to the “Hotel” era of “American Horror Story” as we cover the finale episode number 512, “Be Our Guest”. Lots of questions get answered, lots more get swept by the wayside, but overall we were surprised and impressed with the amount of emotion and heart Murphy and Company brought to the proceedings.

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511 – Battle Royale

A.Ron and Cecily take in the penultimate episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, and it’s pretty good! Sure, there are some muddy character beats, and daffy concepts of glampire physiology, but that ain’t anything new. On the other hand, we got Iris building Donnovan sand castles in the sky, Liz drawwwwingggg out allllll of thing thiiiiings, Ramona chewing on the scenery and our favorite voodoo priestess, Queenie, and much more. All this, some stellar feedback, and an epic Ode to the Countess! See you next week for the finale!

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510 – She Gets Revenge

You guys! LIZ AND IRIS 2016!! Cecily and A.Ron really had a lot of fun with the latest episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “She Gets Revenge”. We ponder the afterlife of glampires, our irrational love of “HOTLINEBLING”, the perils of bringing a sword to a gun fight, heartwarming reunions that will probably sour after the break, and tons of email including more background info from our undercover Hollywood informant “Deep Throat” before we wish ya’ll a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2016!

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509 – She Wants Revenge

Cecily and A.Ron chart the increasingly unstable Countess’s plot for vengeance against all and sundry in this week’s American Horror Story, “She Wants Revenge”. We discuss Liz’s flow-warrrssss, Donnovan’s double (triple?) crosses, and the return of the un-vaccinated glampire children. All this plus a bit o’ the old feedbag, and we’ll see you next week for “She Gets Revenge”.

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508 – The Ten Commandments Killer

A.Ron and Cecily unpack the shocking revelation from this week’s American Horror Story: Hotel, “The Ten Commandments Killer”; Cecily doesn’t actually know the Ten Commandments! All kidding aside, other than the fact that we’ve seen this revelation coming, it was a perfectly fine episode of American Horror Story. Although I guess it does kind of re-contextualize Sally. And the “adultery” couple switching hotels kinda came out of no where. Never fear, we’re not above resorting to multi-verse theory to explain away any troublesome retconning or rewriting Murphy has to do to bring this beast on final approach and landing. All that, our ongoing love fest for Dennis O’Hare, and a pretty healthy mailbag, and lots of opinionated opinions coming your way!

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507 – Flicker

We’re back with another full recap of American Horror Story episode 507, “Flicker”. We finally find out what’s on JPM’s forbidden floor, how Gaga found herself as a glampire, and delve deeper into the mystery of John’s relationship to the Ten Commandments Killer. All this and a solid feedback mailbag. I’d say we’ll see you next week, but I’d be lying, as AHS is taking the week of Thanksgiving off, and so are we. We’ll see you back two weeks from now!

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506 – Room 33

Happy Friday the 13th / Double White Russian day! A.Ron and Cecily are here to talk about the latest episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “Room 33”. We were treated to a delightful if non-sequitur love affair between Liz and Tristan, more Alex being Alex, John being John, Gaga kind of being awful, Iris being a weapons akimbo badass, and poor Scarlet once again being the neglected afterthought. Oh, and Gaga has a baby glampire, which isn’t as glamorous as one would think. All this plus a bit of the ol’ mailbag, and we’ll see you back next week to hopefully figure out who the police have wrongfully connected to the TCK murders!

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505 – Room Service

A.Ron and Cecily dive into the latest episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “Room Service”, in which we get a lot of terrible Alex, a sermon on the dangers of not vaccinating our children, some fabulous Liz Taylor Russell Edgington, and what is perhaps the finest comeuppance in television history when Iris finally snaps on some loathsome human garbage. Plus, John discovers reporting a campy Halloween cult is the quickest way to get fired as LAPD, and there’s a pack of pre-teen glampires prowling the streets of LA. That can’t be good. All this, your feedback, and plenty of host on host snark.

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504 – Devil’s Night

Happy Halloween everybody! On a super spooky “Devil’s Night” podcast, Cecily and A.Ron think that episode 504 of American Horror Story: Hotel was a sound concept that fell flat for us for numerous reasons. We give our opinions on the glorification serial killers, judge the neglect level of all parents in the episode, are sick and tired of newly glampired Alex, sing Liz Taylor’s praises, and enjoy a bit of early morning White Russian buzz. All this plus some feedback from our astonishingly well informed and prescient listeners. See you next week!

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503 – Mommy

Episode 503 of American Horror Story: Hotel, entitled “Mommy”, was an interesting, creepy, and entertaining installment where we finally started clicking with the setting and characters, although we think we’re done with Alex at this point. Maybe Holden will bite her, know knows. Other topics include; the utter awe we have for Ramona Royale, Gaga’s pan-sexual seduction skills, A.Ron’s mommy issues, and lots of your great feedback. See you next week!

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