Anna Kendrick

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Edgar Wright has only directed one box office bomb and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is it. Does that mean it’s a bad movie? Absolutely not. In fact, we think it’s an excellent representation of the growing cross-section of movies, gaming, and graphic novels. That’s why we’ve decided to celebrate it’s 10th anniversary with a podcast talking about what makes it great. Take a listen.

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The Voices (2014)

Julie Webster of “Teeth” commissioning fame/infamy is back again with another movie to bend our noodles. This one a criminally overlooked Ryan Reynolds movie, “The Voices”. Under the direction of Academy Award winner Marjane Satrapi, and joined by co-star Anna Kendrick, Reynolds really comes out swinging as a poorly understood young man with non-existant social skills just trying to find happiness in life. Unfortunately, for reasons both nature and nurture, his search is in vain, and the movie spirals down an ever increasing dark path. An impressive movie, and one worth watching if you don’t think Ryan Reynolds is capable of any kind of nuanced, interesting work. Just be warned, this movie is pitch black, and very uncomfortable in places.

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