Anne Hathaway

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain is a movie that received a lot of attention, both from critics and the media, when it came out in 2005. That was likely just due just as much to it being a movie about two men in love that treated it like any other star-crossed relationship as it was the incredible performances of everyone involved, but specifically the lead actors. Join us for a discussion of this Oscar-winning film.

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The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Welcome to the 15th anniversary podcast for The Devil Wears Prada. It’s not exactly my kind of movie but we missed the 10th anniversary and we know that a lot of our audience loves this movie so we checked it out. 15 years on, it seems like a bit of a mixed bag. The personal story of escaping a life that you never wanted in the first place is inspiring, but the way the movie treats the fashion industry at large left us fairly consternated.

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Les Miserables (2012)

Thanks to Michelle from Cali for this commission! The Master of the House made us laugh, Russell Crowe’s voice made us cry, and now we’re here to talk all about the 2012 adaptation of famous stageplay , which itself was based on the 1862 Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables.

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