
Return Announcement

Jim and A.Ron are doing the unthinkable- returning for coverage of The Walking Dead beginning on Tuesday, June 9th. A big thank you to Mysteriana for creating the Watching Dead theme music.  Find all of their music at [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d…

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You SOBs, We’re Back In! (Return Announcement)

In this universe, Jim and A.Ron continue their coverage of Rick and Morty returning on Sunday, May 3rd.

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Bald Move Pulp Announcement

We are pleased to announce that we are re-branding our Bald Move TV podcast into Bald Move Pulp!

Bald Move Pulp is where you can get your fix of robots, aliens, action space adventures, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Pulp was not made for serious drama, if that’s your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Prestige.

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Bald Move Prestige Announcement

We have re-branded out Bald Movies podcast into Bald Move Prestige!

Bald Move Prestige is where the best of the best come to shine. In the Prestige podcast, we talk about serious dramas, excellence in filmmaking, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Prestige doesn’t cover sci-fi, but if that is your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Pulp.

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This is just an announcement to let everyone know that we’ll be covering AMC’s spinoff series Fear The Walking Dead starting next week.

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Bald Move News!

Hey all, this is a short podcast to make sure we get some important news out in front of our supporters.  The main points are as follows: All ad-free podcasts are going to be secured with the same username and password you use for Club Bald Move.  If your podcaster supports authentication, you’ll simply be…

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