Baby Driver

Baby Driver (2017)

Jim and I got to see Edgar Wright’s newest action/comedy/musical, Baby Driver. And it’s glorious. Jim calls it the most entertaining movie of the year. High praise. I was blown away by the nerdy charm and magnetism of Ansel Elgort as the titular Baby. Seriously, he’s the perfect young Harrison Ford. I can’t believe they apparently cast someone who can’t act in the upcoming Han Solo movie, but what are you going to do? See this movie, and imagine if Ansel were cast instead of some forgettable male lead in YOUR favorite movie, that’s what I’d do. We also talk trailers and upcoming films, like we do, and then we get spoilery, but for Club Members only!

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Zack Snyder, Baby Driver, and The Expanse

Levi from Direct podcasting fame joins Jim and A.Ron all the way from sunny Seattle to talk smack about Zack Snyder (00:00:00), do a deep dive into the universe of SyFy’s hard sci-fi drama that you absolutely should be watching – The Expanse (00:11:30), and then geek out a bit about Edgar Wright’s upcoming film, Baby Driver (01:09:20).

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