Bad Guy Bigby

Bad Guy Bigby – The Wolf Among Us – Episode 5

The final act of any satisfying story should be one of triumph and heroism.  The villains are brought to justice and everyone involved can be proud of the role they played in the outcome.  Of course, there are always mistakes along the way.  And that whole justice thing?  Well, this is “Bad Guy Bigby” so…

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Bad Guy Bigby – The Wolf Among Us – Episode 4

The quest for the ultimate Bad Guy Bigby is back on and we’re determined to make all the worst choices this time. Find out if we succeed or fail miserably. Just one more episode left until the whole mystery is solved and we hopefully create the worst Bigby ever seen.

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Bad Guy Bigby – The Wolf Among Us – Episode 3

Bigby’s back and this time he’s taking no shit from anyone.  Time for episode 3 of Bad Guy Bigby!

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Bad Guy Bigby – The Wolf Among Us – Episode 2

We’re back with another episode of Bad Guy Bigby.  Can we crack the case before the case cracks us?

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Bad Guy Bigby – The Wolf Among Us – Episode 1

The next chapter in the Bad Guy series has begun!  This time we’re playing as an actual bad guy which should probably make playing the bad guy pretty easy.

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