Bald Move Pulp

Screamers (1995)

Special thanks to Josh Wilson who commissioned the 1995 cult sci-fi movie, “Screamers”. Starring Peter “Robocop” Weller, it works as both a goofy b-grade science fiction flick and a semi-serious work based on a short story by no less than Phillip K. Dick. It punches well above it’s weight in terms of concept, set, and costume design, but then surrounds Weller with below replacement value actors such as “Poor Man’s Bill Paxton” and “Homeless Man’s Val Kilmer” with mixed results. Still, it managed to provide both laughs and scares, and we feel we enjoyed it in the spirit it was intended.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)

A.Ron, Cecily, and Mine Dragon checked out the latest installment in the Harry Potter universe, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Reactions were a bit mixed, with A.Ron appreciating the humor and whimsy, but ultimately left cold and confused, while the other two HP fans were of the opinion that it felt like a genuine and fitting piece of Potter-style lore. Please enjoy our spoiler free review of the movie and discussion of upcoming trailers, but if you want the fully leaded Spoiler edition, you’ll have to be a Club Member!

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Doctor Strange (2016)

Who can stop Marvel Studios’ continued run of Box Office Domination? Apparently not even the forces of the negaverse or whatever the hell Doctor Strange was fighting in this movie, because A.Ron and Jim (yes, even Jim!) ate it up and saw it in two packed houses this evening. Full to bursting with imaginative ideas and visuals that must be seen to be believed, and even then just barely, Doctor Strange is just relentlessly cool and fun. Benedict Cumberbatch leads a team of A-list Hollywood talent using all of their considerable powers to make you believe this world that is full of crazy baloney ideas and imagery is rock solid and every bit as realized as the real world. If you have even a passing interest in comic book movies or just want to see what the new state of the art in terms of effects work is, go see it on the biggest screen you can find.

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Primer (2004)

The string of solid commissioned hits is in full string with one of Jim’s favorite movies and A.Ron’s soon-to-be favorite, Primer. If you’re into noodly time travel plots and engineers talking in fits and starts about really technical stuff like we are, you’ll probably love this one. Thanks to Mike Jacyna for his excellent taste in commissions.

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Suicide Squad (2016)

Jim and A.Ron saw the latest installment of DC’s attempt at bootstrapping a mega-billions interconnected super hero franchise, “Suicide Squad”. As an answer to question of who you gonna call when an Evil Superman ever comes calling, we don’t think it makes much sense, but we’re a bit more divided on the questions of “is it fun?” and “is it entertaining?”

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Jason Bourne (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest film in Matt Damon’s action spy thriller franchise, Jason Bourne, and find it reasonably Bourney, but missing a lot of the improvisational, desperate charm of the earlier installments, and missing a lot of its heart. Please enjoy our spoiler free review of the movie and discussion of the trailers we saw for upcoming fall releases, but if you want to hear our detailed spoiler-filled take on the movie, you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move Member!

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Star Trek: Beyond (2016)

Jim’s on vacation, so filling in his spot is Cecily, A.Ron’s co-host on the American Horror Story Podcast, True Blood Authority, Penny Earful, and life. A.Ron approaches the film from the perspective of a life long Trek fan, Cecily approaches it more from the casual fan perspective, but both are in agreement that this installment of Trek can best be described as “mediocre”.

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Ghostbusters (2016)

A.Ron and Jim review the disgusting, ill-conceived, disgraceful actually quite delightful addition to the Ghostbusters franchise featuring a cast of stellar funny women in Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Melissa McCarthy. The movie delivered solid action and laughs, a few gut busters, inspired performances by a lot of cameo actors who are clearly having a great time, and the correct and satisfying amount of respect and homages to the classic cast, including several nods to the late great Harold Ramis. So, to the dudes that hated on this film from the jump for no other reason than the fact that women had the temerity to re-make it, I got two words for you: Suck it!

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Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest potential summer blockbuster; Independence Day: Resurgence, and found it roughly as dumb as it’s predecessor but minus quite a bit of the humor, charm, and charisma of the original.

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The Conjuring 2 (2016)

A.Ron and Jim saw The Conjuring 2 tonight, and thought it had some solid thrills and chills. We give our overall impressions and review up front, then discuss the many new trailers we saw before the film, before finally getting down and dirty in a no holds barred spoiler section. You’ll have to be a Club Bald Move Member to get that part though, but for everyone else, enjoy the free review and trailer discussion!

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