Benito Martinez

American Made (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest Tom Cruise vehicle, American Made, and it’s pretty good!  If you haven’t seen the past three seasons of Narcos or a “hey, it’s fun to watch charming people do really bad things until the third act when it all falls apart” kind of movie you might call it a great film.  But we’re about weary of the concept and wary of the “based on a true story” nature of the film.  But it’s pretty good.  And Jesse Plemmons reprises his role as “Fat Damon” from Fargo Season 2 out of nowhere.  We talk about our general opinions and upcoming movie trailers for free, but if you want to hear us ramble about the movie in a spoiler kind of way, and talk about American’s involvement in Central and South American “nation building”, you’re going to have to be a Club Member.  See you next week for Bladerunner 2049!

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