Breaking Bad

Is Zafiro Anejo a real liquor?

The short answer to the question “Is Zafiro Anejo a real liquor?” is “No.”  It’s actually a spirit that was made up by the Breaking Bad crew when their attempts to find product placement for that particular scene fell through.  Apparently none of the companies they approached were keen on the idea of people dropping…

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410 – Salud

In this week’s episode, we talk about gifts of booze and bad cars, Jesse laying down the law, Walt Jr’s possible drug thievery, Ted being in the dumbass business, A.Ron’s hatred for Tuvok, Gus’s ambivalence when confronted with ‘dat ass, and his badassness when confronted with damn near anything else.

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Breaking Bad News – Monday 09/19/11 Edition

Hey, that was an alright episode last night, don’t you think?  Could have been better.  Gus could have gunned down the cartel “say hello to my little friend” style.  I also didn’t like how that Don Eladio guy snubbed my man Jesse with the premium hooch. All joking aside, that was a pretty epic episode….

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A.Ron’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Salud” – 410

Looking for Jim’s take? Let’s talk a bit about expectations, shall we?  If you follow our Breaking Bad News, you know that last week we dished up some mega-spoilers for the rest of the season.  So, I knew, roughly speaking, what was going to happen.  I knew Don Eladio was going to be poisoned.  I…

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Jim’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Salud” – 410

Looking for A.Ron’s take? What do you do when you’re put in a difficult situation?  When pills and alcohol join up to unleash a world of emotions upon your unsuspecting child?  When you’re faced with the threat of all-out war with the head of a drug cartel?  When your ex lover/boss is in a jam…

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Breaking Bad News – Friday 09/16/11 Edition

TGIF!  Hope you all have a fun weekend plan, culminating in a brand spanking new episode of Breaking Bad.  This week, IMDB gets the exclusive bonus sneak peak at episode 410, “Salud”.  In it, Walt Jr. displays the only possible reaction to being given a Chrysler product.  And I think he’s being kind.  It does make me…

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Breaking Bad News – Thursday 09/15/11 Edition

A bit of housekeeping today.  If you like Jersey Shore, the Bald Move B-Team will be posting their take on the new episode tonight around midnight.  How’s THAT for turnaround?  Also, we’ve created a redirect for our Amazon affiliate link to make it easier to use/remember.  If you enter in you will automatically be redirected to…

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Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 09/14/11 Edition

Hey everybody, I’m back from my trip to Chicago the being treated for a sniper bullet claiming the top of my right ear!  Because of the golf trip to Medina cowardly attempt on my life, our podcast was delayed 24 hours.  We sincerely apologize, and don’t anticipate further delays with the rest of the season….

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409 – Bug

In this week’s episode we discuss tiger eyes, chicken slinging sons of bitches, Pontiac Aztecs with sweet ass camping packages, smoke breaks, lots of angles, some Terminator type shit, the Quicken, dinner time with Gus, and savage beatings.

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Breaking Bad News – Tuesday 09/13/11 Edition

So here’s the deal.  We came under sniper fire yesterday and A.Ron tried to pull a Fring. He defiantly charged right into the path of fire, arms out, yelling “Come at me, Bro!“.  It was totally bad ass! Unfortunately, he’s not the head of a regional meth distribution network (though he does love chicken) so…

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