Cary Elwes

Twister (1996)

Broadcasting from the edge of Tornado Alley, Jim and A.Ron have a storm report. Find out where Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, and Cary Elwes fall on the “f around and find out” scale as they chase tornadoes. Go back to a time where a lot of the cool effects were still practical and studios didn’t churn out sequels for every single hit…hold on…there is a sequel in the works. Come chase this funnel with us! 

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Days of Thunder (1990)

Days of Thunder is the semi-dramatic car-racing cousin of Talladega Nights. Director Tony Scott has helmed other high caliber projects such as Top Gun and Crimson Tide. It’s written by Robert Towne who penned Chinatown and Mission Impossible 1 and 2. So why did this movie turn out to be silly? Well, it could be the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Maybe it’s Michael Rookers’ lack of caution with his brain bleed. Whatever it was, it didn’t stop Robert Ebert from breaking the ethos of Tom Cruise down to a science.

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The Princess Bride (1987) 35th Anniversary Rerelease

We’re rereleasing our episode on The Princess Bride (1987) in honor of the movie’s 35th anniversary!

This was a long time coming.  Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years.  Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide.  He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman.  Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

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The Princess Bride (1987)

This was a long time coming. Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years. Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide. He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman. Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

Special thanks to Zan from Melbourne, Barry C from the UK, Allicyn Wilde, Robot-K, Brian S, John H, Stefan G, Mark S, Denise T, Lesley W, Jay R, Ryan L, S Duncan, Geoffry B, pmmonnat, and WeezerWes for banding together and storming the castle.

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