
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015)

Rachel Bloom stars as Rebecca Bunch, a high-powered lawyer from NYC who moves to LA to rekindle an old flame. Each episode features at least two original musical numbers. It’s relatable and funny in the way it discusses mental health. Though it was one of the lowest rated shows on TV, it kept getting renewed and currently has a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s fair to say that it’s aged well. 

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Midnight Run (1988)

Robert DeNiro, playing bounty hunter Jack Walsh, chases down a man called “The Duke”. What is supposed to be an easy grab quickly deteriorates into a messy, action-packed cross-country road trip. With both the mob and the FBI on his tail, Jack must get The Duke from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of days.

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The Big Lebowski (1998) 25th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of its 25th anniversary of being released, we’re rereleasing our episode on The Big Lebowski!
This podcast was commissioned by Michael Johnston for his main main Dave in Philly, and what a podcast it is. Jim and I have the sheer delight of watching the sublime Coen Brothers’ 1998 film, The Big Lebowski. One of the forerunners of the “slacker noir” genre, Lebowski is hugely entertaining and surprisingly deep film. We talk about Jeff Bridges magic, new shit coming to light, try to figure out Maude, gush about the late, great, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, the downfall of bowling, and much, much more.
So thanks once again to Michael and Dave, for giving us an excuse to really drink this film in. If you’d like to commission your very own podcast, check out our Commission a Podcast page to find out!

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Season 6 Strategy – Peace Among Worlds

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Risky Business (1983)

Everyone has seen the video of a young Tom Cruise gyrating his way through his parents’ living room in his tighty-whiteys but did you know there’s a whole movie that happens after that? That movie is “Risky Business”, the topic of this week’s Prestige podcast.

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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

This week’s Prestige podcast skirts the edge of what you can reasonably claim to be “prestige”,Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. That’s right, Kevin Costner battles Alan Rickman and an English accent with the help of Morgan Freeman in this film that can’t decide if it wants to be a grim and gritty retelling or a campy romp through the classic legend. Get your quiver and bow ready and check out the podcast!

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Fargo (1996)

Ah jeeze, for prestige this week we’re talking Fargo. Now that’s the 1996 cinematic version doncha know. Though of course, we also end up talking about the FX Series, too. We love Coen brothers movies in general and this one in particular.

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S05E10 – Rickmurai Jack

I think it’s safe to say, based on the tone of the discussion, this is the episode everyone has been waiting for. CONTINUITY BABY! I suppose it could have been disappointing if you were holding out hope for a live-action episode starring Xtopher Lloyd, but it answers a lot of questions that we’ve had for seasons now and sets up some truly interesting possibilities for the future of Rick and Morty. Check out the podcast to hear us discuss them.

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S05E09 – Forgetting Sarick Mortshall

This is definitely the first part of a two-part season finale, but it sneaks up on you thanks to a pretty engaging plot involving Rick replacing Morty with a couple of crows. Personally, I think I’d rather have seen the “Half a Paul Giamatti” episode, but I enjoyed this one nonetheless. Check out the podcast to hear our thoughts.

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Sideways (2004)

This week, we’ve got my absolute favorite Paul Giamatti movie, Sideways. It’s a well-written but also hilarious movie where an extremely depressed Paul Giamatti begrudgingly helps his college roommate philander his way through northern California wine country. It has some all-time classic Giamatti moments that we can’t wait to talk about. Get Sideways with us this on this podcast.

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