
Bald Move Prestige – The Sand Pebbles (1966)

Steve McQueen plays Jake Holman, an engineer on the gunboat USS San Pablo. The year is 1927 and the ship is stationed in China. The geopolitical landscape of the country is nearly unrecognizable compared to today. It’s worth considering what this movie is trying to say about nationalism, colonialism, and racism. All the hot-button “isms”! As you can guess, there are parts of this film that definitely did not age well. Come experience McQueen in yet another rebellious role.
Thank you to Mark for commissioning this podcast!

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Superbowl 52: Eagles vs Patriots

In a gutsy, unorthodox call, Commissioner Dustin selected Superbowl 52 as the subject for a podcast. Since Jim has a well known antipathy towards all things sports related, and with the Commish’s permission, I tapped my buddy Jesse from the WHY IS MR. FEENY A CAR?! podcast to be my second string podcast host. We watched the game together, and then got together to talk FOOTBALL! Warning to all my friends from Boston and the greater New England area. Please don’t listen to this podcast. We both loath the Patriots franchise and take just so many shots at the team, it’s ownership, coaching staff, and most beloved players. There is nothing for you here. For all other NFL fans come on in, I’m sure you’ll find something to like!

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There Will Be Blood (2007) 15th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of the movie’s 15th anniversary, we’re rereleasing our podcast on There Will Be Blood (2007) so you can experience the grit, the performances, and the blood of it all over again!
This Bald Movie Commissioned Podcast is for Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano.  It was made possible by the following people, who pooled their funds together to make this community commission possible.  Special thanks to Elina V., Ryan Q., Mike M., BritBandicoot, Dcaine68, Latent K, TheWilliam85, Jaimie T., Alex M, Geraud DeL, Dmkolls, and Dplowery.  With that said, this movie is incredible.  The acting is on another level, the visuals are gorgeous, the story imminently watchable. If you’ve seen the movie, you know how incredibly intimidating drinking milkshakes can be, and if you haven’t, you’ll soon find out.

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American Gangster (2007) Rerelease

It’s time to revisit a great film. We’re rereleasing American Gangster for all the new listeners who have joined us since we released this episode a whole five years ago. Enjoy!

Special thanks to our commissioner Josh “Anubus21” from Saxapahaw, NC.  This time he has something special to celebrate, his marriage to sweetheart Jessica.  Congratulations, you guys!  Josh selected American Gangster, the 2007 Ridley Scott crime drama starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.  Jim and I have never seen it, but it immediately fit right besides other greats like Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, and Scarface in the pantheon of films about the criminal underworld.  It’s a great looking, well written, and extraordinarily acted film, that touches on a lot of Bald Move hot buttons of racism, crime, drugs, and $50k mink coats.  Thanks again, Josh and Jessica!  Hope it was a great honeymoon five years ago!

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Syriana (2005)

This harrowing drama was written and directed by Stephen Gaghan and features a star-studded cast with George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Jeffrey Wright. The threats are real, and America seems to be a lot of them as people put their thumbs on the scales of economy and justice. Let’s ponder the questions, “What level of corruption will create a facade of a functioning society? Is shadowy corruption better than a feudal state putting people to the sword? Are you depressed yet?”

Thank you to Robert for commissioning this episode!

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The Princess Bride (1987) 35th Anniversary Rerelease

We’re rereleasing our episode on The Princess Bride (1987) in honor of the movie’s 35th anniversary!

This was a long time coming.  Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years.  Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide.  He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman.  Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

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The Wizard (1989)

This movie checks off the 80s cinema boxes; it has video games and a broken home. The cast is a blast from the past in this feature length advertisement for Nintendo. Take a stroll down nostalgia road with Jim and A.Ron as they discuss a truly powerful message about the power of video games. If you enjoyed The Wizard, there is a 2.5 hour-long cut you can check out!

Thank you to Josh H. for commissioning this episode!

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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Take a walk on the adventurous side as we revisit a staple of classic pulp movies. The dialogue crackles, the visuals stun, and Harrison Ford creates an icon of 20th century cinema. We have the behind-the-scenes of stunts and the story of Lucas and Spielberg’s fateful Hawaii trip. From the rolling boulder to the Ark wiping out the Third Reich, it’s a rip roaring time of good writing, great acting, and a score that soars.

Thank you to Bill Dodd for commissioning this episode!

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The Age of Innocence (1993)

Let’s take a dive into Scorsese’s catalog to a movie with those signature crane shots and quick cuts, but with an extremely low body count. The exploration of love and longing within a rigid world is portrayed by epic performances from Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfieffer, and Winona Ryder and camerawork that speaks as much as the characters. In this odd child of Scorsese’s body of work, you’re sure to find swoon-worthy dialogue, Oscar winning costumes, and a love story with more than what meets the eye.
Thank you to The Epic Mouthful for commissioning this podcast!

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You’re familiar with the saga of Succession, what about the saga of making this episode about Succession? Life would be easier if we all loved this, but the world isn’t perfect. We checked out the pilot and season two finale. Why doesn’t this show work for us when things like Always Sunny do? I guess that’s the difference between buffoons and rich buffoons. There are great performances, design, and camera work, so on paper it’s well made, but still not for us.

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