
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Take a walk on the adventurous side as we revisit a staple of classic pulp movies. The dialogue crackles, the visuals stun, and Harrison Ford creates an icon of 20th century cinema. We have the behind-the-scenes of stunts and the story of Lucas and Spielberg’s fateful Hawaii trip. From the rolling boulder to the Ark wiping out the Third Reich, it’s a rip roaring time of good writing, great acting, and a score that soars.

Thank you to Bill Dodd for commissioning this episode!

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The Age of Innocence (1993)

Let’s take a dive into Scorsese’s catalog to a movie with those signature crane shots and quick cuts, but with an extremely low body count. The exploration of love and longing within a rigid world is portrayed by epic performances from Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfieffer, and Winona Ryder and camerawork that speaks as much as the characters. In this odd child of Scorsese’s body of work, you’re sure to find swoon-worthy dialogue, Oscar winning costumes, and a love story with more than what meets the eye.
Thank you to The Epic Mouthful for commissioning this podcast!

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You’re familiar with the saga of Succession, what about the saga of making this episode about Succession? Life would be easier if we all loved this, but the world isn’t perfect. We checked out the pilot and season two finale. Why doesn’t this show work for us when things like Always Sunny do? I guess that’s the difference between buffoons and rich buffoons. There are great performances, design, and camera work, so on paper it’s well made, but still not for us.

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The Great Escape (1963)

Loosely based on the real event of an Allied escape from a Nazi POW camp, The Great Escape boasts an ensemble cast with big names starting out their careers. Check out James Garner before Rockford Files, Charles Bronson before Death Wish, and Richard Attenborough three decades before Jurassic Park. The ‘Cooler King’ is also the King of Cool, Steve McQueen is the OG Tom Cruise having done his own stunt work in the iconic motorcycle chase. So come check out what’s probably one of your dad’s favorite movies!

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The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

What has twice the T-Rex and three times more running time than the original movie? That’s right, it’s Lost World where life finds a way and Steven Spielberg finds a way to make an underwhelming sequel. But it’s not all bad CGI! Jim and A.Ron relive their favorite moments, and it’s no surprise many of…

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Cabin in the Woods (2012) – Anniversary Rerelease

Bald Move Pulp is where you can get your fix of robots, aliens, action space adventures, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Pulp was not made for serious drama, if that’s your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Prestige.

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The Beach (2000)

Three years after his star turn in Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio returns to the silver screen in The Beach, a movie where it’s hard to tell what is real and what may be hallucinated. Leo’s descent into insanity marks the end of his teenage heartthrob roles. Once you get beyond the 2000-era fashion, the movie poses enough platitudes and questions to consider the possible metaphors under the madness.
If you want to commission a podcast, go to, click “commission a podcast”, and Bald Move will be in touch for the rest!
Thank you Ian from Atlanta for commissioning this podcast and supporting Bald Move.

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Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Requiem for a Dream is one of those movies that leaves marks and thanks to Nicholas’s commission, our wounds have been freshly reopened. Join us for our coverage of the movie that left us with a “not even once” attitude toward heroin.

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Deep Water (2006)

Deep Water is a British documentary about a boat race in the late 1960s so maybe you can understand why I thought this pick from commissioner Aaron might be a little dry. I expected a lot of coxswain this, and bosun that. Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing like I expected. Check out the documentary, then join us for a podcast about isolation and the delicate mechanism of the mind.

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Killjoy (2000)

We went into Killjoy nearly blind but podcast commissioner Doug assured us that it was bad enough to wrap back around to good. Turns out Doug was exactly right. The creators chose the homeopathic approach to budgeting, mixing no more than 1 part money to every 100 parts runtime. Despite that, we enjoyed our time with it. Join us for the podcast to find out exactly why.

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