David Lynch

Mulholland Drive (2001) 20th Anniversary re-release

Oh boy… What can I say about this week’s big anniversary that won’t piss off the general public who apparently respects and admires the works of David Lynch? Well, I can say that we’re re-releasing our podcast on Mulholland Drive for its 20th anniversary. I can also say that the opinions expressed in the podcast are now 5 years old and I’ve seen exactly 1 David Lynch movie that I’ve enjoyed in that time. 

But hey, A.Ron’s here too, and he loved it. From the weird dumpster monsters to the strange musical interludes, he’s down to clown on any wavelength Lynch chooses to broadcast. At least half the podcast will be from that perspective.

So enjoy this now-20-year-old movie and what we had to say about it 5 years ago.

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The Elephant Man (1980)

Maybe it’s young Anthony Hopkins? Maybe it’s the exceptional sound design? Maybe it’s just that his style hadn’t fully blossomed? Whatever the case, it’s possible that we’ve found a David Lynch movie that’s un-Lynchian enough for even Jim to love!

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Twin Peaks Seasons 1 and 2 with Shayne Bowman

Shayne Bowman, proprietor of the Heisenberg Chronicles as well as all around friend of the show, joins me to discuss Twin Peaks classic, before I take my plunge into Twin Peaks: The Return. We talk about our history with the show, what it was like to watch “back in the day”, Shayne’s longtime fascination with David Lynch, what works, and what doesn’t, and if it even matters when you’re watching something as off the map as Twin Peaks. If you liked this, stay tuned, there will be more once I get caught up to The Return!

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Twin Peaks (1990)

This community commissioned podcast is for the 1990 television series, Twin Peaks. Created Mark Frost and David Lynch, we can only imagine the impact this had on audiences 30 years ago as 30 million Americans obsessively tuned in every week to answer the question, “who killed Laura Palmer?” Jim ultimately doesn’t like it, but I see it’s potential and got a lot of enjoyment from the crazy tonal swings and quirky, off beat nature. Also, lots of beautiful and interesting people on screen constantly, which always helps.

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Mulholland Drive (2001)

Jim and A.Ron tackle yet another community podcast commission, this time for the David Lynch movie, “Mulholland Drive”. Things get weird as we experience every human emotion possible and struggle to figure out what the hell just happened. Just know that this podcast is not meant to be interpreted literally, but to be emotionally intuited experientially.

Special thanks to the crew who combined their wallets, Captain Planet style, and summoned this podcast; Anthony B, Mike T, Davey Mac, Ryan Q, Rachael H, galicia73, Fidoz,
Jefferson B, hellogoodbye9, cocoa2mc, Martin K , Michael T, Joby M, and Walker W. Thanks guys and gals, we couldn’t do it without you!

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