Do Not Send Us Astray

813 – Do Not Send Us Astray

AMC’s The Walking Dead served up what A.Ron describes as a top 5 worst episode of all time in “Do Not Send Us Astray”.  The show continues to find new lows in its regard for the audience’s intelligence, as they don’t even bother trying to plausibly setup any action set pieces or plot, it just kind of happens because reasons. We have at least five morgalizers at this point. Day turns to night turns to day and Maggie has been pregnant for like ten seasons now.  There was a helicopter at some point?  I think Father G. went blind earlier? The only thing I know is that we’ll be back for more next week.  See you then.

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813 – Do Not Send Us Astray – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see…  Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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813 – Do Not Send Us Astray – LIVEWATCH

Come watch the episode with us.  If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it.  If it’s good…  well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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