Emma Watson

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Lumos! Two brave commissioners have sent a request by owl post for Professors A.Ron and Jim to watch the third (and overall most-loved) Harry Potter movie. Jim cries “stupefy” to get this movie away from him. But A.Ron casts “protego” and defends the movie. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who has helmed many decorated dramas, and based on the book series by she-who-must-not-be-named, this movie takes a darker look at the whimsical world of Harry Potter.
Thank you to Keenan and Maggie for commissioning this episode!

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The Circle (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the future, and it is The Circle, and we’re not sure if it’s good. This movie, or the future. They’re both kind of a mess. While extremely well cast and for the most part acted, the basic plot is caught between a cautionary tale, a psychological thriller, and a Young Adult novel, and doesn’t manage to pull any facet off well. But it is legitimately thought provoking. You’ll find the spoiler section for this movie to be positively chocked full of provoked thoughts, but you’ll have to be a Club Member to hear us talk about the tensions between liberty and privacy and our fears for the inevitability of radical transparency.

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