Episode 5

S03E05 – The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

The satire is hitting close to home. You may feel bad about yourself, but so long as you don’t sleep with Butcher, there is hope for you yet. We’re sensing some red herrings in the mix, who is telling the truth? And place your bets, who will be a smoky corpse or chunky human salsa by the end of the episode? 

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405 – Chapter Five: The Nina Project

Ha! You thought Nina was a person? We totally didn’t. Nope, haha, we always knew. Speaking of never being confused, we’ve got some theories and predictions that we’re holding tight to. We’re witnessing the point of no return and an escape that could only happen in the 80s, nothing to do with Kurt Russell in New York though. And how many modems can you recognize just by the sound? I guarantee it’s more than me, but less than Jim and A.Ron. 

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S01E05 – Part Five

In the penultimate episode of We Own This City, we’re seeing the investigation probe deeper into the corruption of the police department and the boys in blue are getting antsy. Nicole Steele shares a new layer and insight to her personal experiences. Watch with dismay as the corruption in Baltimore extends all the way into President 45’s administration. When everybody points the finger at everyone else, how does anything get fixed?
Have feedback? Drop us a line at corners@baldmove.com. Looking for more on the subject? Check out Season 3 of Serial, start here.

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S02E06 – Two of One

Okay, okay, the liquid in the vial is blue! A.Ron concedes. And acknowledges he might be colorblind.
Do you want to emit EMPs from your cells and then put on a cover concert of 20th century rock and roll? Yes? Well, then you may want to look into getting borg-ified like Agnes Jurati. Join Jim and A.Ron as they tackle an episode that ranges from impromptu concerts to the aftermath of domestic abuse, a topic very personal to Patrick Stewart’s own childhood. 

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His Dark Materials – S02E05 – The Scholar

Cecily and Alexis discuss episode 5 of season 2 of His Dark Materials: sexual tension, many adventures between worlds, daemon chatter…but absolutely NO DENIM!

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S01E05 – Stardust City Rag

Jim and A.Ron are set to engage with Picard’s return in his own titular series. Their combined years of experience assimilating with the Star Trek universe makes them uniquely qualified to discuss CBS’ new show.

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S04E05 – Rattlestar Ricklactica

Jim and A.Ron explore time travel and all of it’s implicationssssss.  It’s better just to stay in the ship. You can watch seasons 1, 2, and 3 on Hulu right now! You can also purchase the Blu-rays for all seasons on Amazon, to get access to great commentaries, deleted scenes, animatics, and more! This will…

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His Dark Materials – S01E05 – The Lost Boy

Cecily and Alexis talk about the latest episode of His Dark Materials, “The Lost Boy”.  They discuss the nature of daemons and their importance, and knowing who to trust, cuddle, and open up to, before considering feedback and some light spoilers. [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  Check out our Club Bald Move page…

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Episode 5: “ATL Airport Skymall Challenge!”

In Episode #5, originally aired on 11.15.14: Jim and A.Ron throw down in the Skymall challenge. It’s simple, we take an issue of Skymall, and take turns drafting our dream items from each page. In the end, we judge who had the best haul. Who wins? YOU DECIDE!

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S04E05 – Method Not Allowed

no xmas lolz for jim & a.Ron. darelliot gives a run-around. krista plays hookie. quiet pls, the podcast is on.

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