Episode 6

S01E06 – Udûn – Feedback 

A.ronduin and Jimgoth have gazed into a Palantír and saw your feedback. Tune in for a geologist’s review of those pesky pyroclastic flows. Which begs the question, what level of “doomed” do you need to be to NOT survive a natural disaster? Find out how Harfoots become the Hobbits. And the baby smack-down of the age is here, Baby Gandalf is coming for Baby Yoda.

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The Rings of Power – S01E06 – Udûn

John was joined by Aron from Bald Move to discuss orcs, Mount Doom, and their general feelings on the season. John received another audio diary from David with some thoughts on this episode. Then, Tolkien scholar Marilyn R. Pukkila and John discussed the themes of the Second Age and Tolkien’s approach to magic. Finally, Aron and John took on some listener feedback.

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S01E06 – Udûn

‘Tis an ill portent when Jimfiel deems another episode of TROP as a “Walking Dead” episode. But don’t worry, there are good things too! Galadriel is doing some bad guy stuff and Isildur seems like he’s vying for the role of Numenorean f-boi. A.Ronbrimbor ponders the questions, “Are the Numenoreans nearsighted? And which horse is Berek?” And yes, the show is still gorgeous.

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S01E06 – The Princess and The Queen – Feedback

The feedbag is overflowing. Do you like the changes that the showrunners have made for the adaptation? Is Daemon pure chaos? How stinky is he? Apparently he reeks. Is Larys’ service leal? Did A.Ron and Jim misrepresent Alicent? Which party is confused about genes? Hear Jim and A.Ron discuss your questions and theories in this episode of feedback along with another installment of The Maester’s Corner!

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S01E06 – The Princess and The Queen

Hello Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke! Make the 10 year jump with us into a Red Keep where there is a new batch of royal kids aka war-fodder. The Alicent and the Ser Crispy clique spells trouble as Rhaenyra (such a badass) wakes up to the dangers at court and takes a play from Daemon’s book. And did you watch the intro? Did you?? It’s different.

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S04E06 – Fidelity – Feedback

Craving more reasons to throw yourself in an existential crisis? Join Jim and A.Ron as they go through YOUR feedback and theories. Is there something deeper in the tower’s sound pattern? Why print so many Caleb bodies? Westworld is taking us on a journey more satisfying than seasons past, but will they stick the landing?

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S04E06 – Fidelity – Instant Take

We’re in the “buckle up and don’t think about it too much” phase of this season. Lipstickgate makes a brief appearance. We get some answers about Caleb. But as it goes with Westworld, one answer leads to many more questions. Join us as we go through your questions and theories for this week’s episode, Fidelity.

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406 – Chapter Six: The Dive

With the finale right around the corner, we’re hoping for some surprises. The characters are still in transit, but we feel like they’re building to something big with Eleven’s backstory. While waiting for her powers to return, we’re also anticipating the death of one of our favorite characters, and enjoying Murray and Joyce’s adventures. The Satanic Panic is sweeping up members of the Hellfire Club, so now is not the time to let people know that I play a Tiefling.

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S01E06 – Part Six

David Simon ends his statement in a finale that leaves us both heartbroken and hopeful. The bad guys in blue are behind bars, but that’s not enough. The current broken system will churn out more. Does Jenkins, and people like him, truly realize that they are part of the problem? How far can this situation push until it breaks people like Nicole Steele? It makes us ask the question, what does it mean to truly do good and create a justice system based on rehabilitation and redemption?

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S02E06 – Two of One – Feedback

Your feedback has been held in the Magnetic Containment Bottle on the Starship Bald Move and Captains A.Ron and Jim and are cracking it open to read what you have to say. The Picard writing team have phasers set to stun, and stunned we are. Let’s decipher the portrayal of mental health and dream about what a present-day episodic Star Trek would be like.

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